2024 Better You Fitness Thread

Lower day, yesterday: Squats, Weighted back hypers, Trap bar DLs, Prone leg curls, Decline ab crunch/Standing calf raise supersets.

I've strongly suspected my squat form wasn't good. Somebody posted a thread about squat form and five things many people get wrong. I started addressing these doing goblet squats with my kettle bell as part of my swing training warmup--watching myself in my mirrors and learning to feel what good squat form should feel like.

The improved squat form is kicking in. I'm going deeper, my back is straighter, I had to lower the weight on the bar substantially, and I felt it more in my quads, yesterday.
Nice little lifty lift before the snowstorm.

Bench press single at 300, 5x5 at 275. Presses 135 6x4 supersetted with dumbbell rows at 85 6x4.
Arms day. Drop set to failure to wrap it all up and booyyyy that was a poor decision haha
Heavy leg day and run day
I overdid it yesterday so it was a light cardio day today
I overdid it yesterday so it was a light cardio day today
Same. Son had football practice tonight so I took an hour and half walk/run. Back to the gym tomorrow.
Finally back in the gym. Offloaded some weight to protect my upper back a little. Leery of shoulders tomorrow since that's what started this all, so I'll probably just focus on lower body.
Upper Day: Seated DB overhead presses, Cable chest flies, Lat pull-downs, Pendlay rows, Face pull/Skullcrusher supersets, Wrist rotations.
Shoulders, that one took it out of me.
Happy international chest day, you guys.

Did a lot of sets to failure, because that’s what heroes do.
Push day and run
@MWard I just had back to back leg days. Yesterday was strength, today was endurance. I am pretty sure you would have set the gym on fire.
Girl who hurt you 😢

May do back to back chest days, may ask for something lat focused in a back day. We’ll find out!
@MWard I just had back to back leg days. Yesterday was strength, today was endurance. I am pretty sure you would have set the gym on fire.
Why would you torture yourself like this?
Haha, it really wasn't bad. I enjoy leg day. It's better than chest and shoulders, I despise chest and shoulders.
I dont mind leg day, it's the following days I fear.
Missed an update: Day-before-yesterday was a lower day: Front squats, Romanian deadlifts, Leg extension/curl supersets, Decline ab crunch/Standing calf raise supersets.
Haha, it really wasn't bad. I enjoy leg day. It's better than chest and shoulders, I despise chest and shoulders.
Chest and shoulders are way more fun than leg day. You can function after a hard upper body day.

You can fall down after a hard leg day… which is why I do not do them.
Upper Day: Benches, Incline benches, Lat pull-downs, Tripod rows, Incline curl/Reverse fly supersets, Wrist rollers.

I am making gains, but they're really, really slow gains.

Fat loss isn't happening real fast, either. Then again: Easter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯