The Official Banter Away Thread

Just got an update Wheeler is on a no no watch, so had to turn that on on the iPad. All while catching up on the WWGC!

At airport getting ready for first leg of flights today. Need to get checked out upon getting home, but will be glad to be home even if it’s only for 5 days.
Close toed shoes should be mandatory for all men traveling by plane
Close toed shoes should be mandatory for all men traveling by plane
I’m not looking forward to seeing the same later today when I travel.
I’m not looking forward to seeing the same later today when I travel.
It’s awful. Fun day for me today. Two flights and then off to urgent care haha.

But I get to be home and relax and watch NHL playoffs for a week
Happy Sunday THP!!!
I'm tired, what a great week though
That was a lot of golf
Yes it was, what a great way to start to the season though. First with my fellow THP staff, then with some awesome THPers all at a pretty special place
@GolferGal you guys make it through the day/night without A/C?
I haven’t had AC since Thursday afternoon. Making it work, glad we have ceiling fans. Probably won’t have AC until Tuesday but at least tomorrow the highs won’t hit 70 so that will help a lot.
Hey guess what…my flight is delayed and I’ll probably miss my connection! That means I can just go home right?
Back home, done with urgent care. Apparently this thing was pretty bad. Monster needle to the ass which hurts like hell and now two more pills daily for a bit
Back home, done with urgent care. Apparently this thing was pretty bad. Monster needle to the ass which hurts like hell and now two more pills daily for a bit
Dang. Sorry. What was the cause? Was it a bursitis?
No. We believe the cause was a small cut that opened and I wiped the blood off with my glove hand and it became infected.
No. We believe the cause was a small cut that opened and I wiped the blood off with my glove hand and it became infected.
Ah.. that’s nuts.
No. We believe the cause was a small cut that opened and I wiped the blood off with my glove hand and it became infected.
Damn…glad they got you on some meds!
I am over traveling. Delayed constantly and now missed my connecting flight and won’t be arriving until after midnight. I’m over the excuse of air traffic in and out of Florida. Jacksonville isn’t that busy!!!