The Gethering '24: Golf and Steak and Cake and more

Put me on the possible list please.
GIF by Team Coco
I am probably yes. Definitely yes if I can get a ride with someone from near-ish. Not sure my shoulder can handle the 2.5 hours driving on my own. Even with drugs. Maybe with enough drugs. :unsure:
Everyone just let me know when you can be put on a list, or moved from one to the other.
My wife said I'm allowed to play with my internet friends.

George Costanza Flirting GIF by MOODMAN
Please put me as a maybe!
Put me in the attending column please. No more work until November and my youngest daughter will be done at VSU in about 2 weeks so I have no reason to not enjoy the full experience this year.
I would love to join in the fun, however I don't have full confirmation on dates for my Florida trip as of yet. Looking at it, this should coincide with the drive down, I'm just not sure what the exact details of my transportation will be (ie. my own vehicle alone, travelling with others, etc.)

Once I know more I will let you guys know. Rest assured that if there's a way I can make this happen I will!
Negative, kid weekend those days. The idea was more quoting @Greg Kulbick but without replying to him, so he has to work to find it.
Oh man, how ever would I have found that post in a thread I created about a get together I'm not only going to, but accidentally gave the dumb name to... oh deary me.

What Wtf GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

I hate you. The Legacy Four Ball was this weekend, I think the greens were at 14. I don't even like playing there for tournaments anymore.