The Fitness & Workout Thread

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I hear ya man. I have no qualm with pushing myself but I don't have the work out partner or anyone in there I would be confident maxing out with. I'm all about some high reps with consistent weight increases. I figure it's the best way for me to tighten, firm and get huge with, LOL

I wish I had a good workout partner to be honest. But I don't. Hence the beauty of this thread I reckon.
Well, in combo with lifting 3 days this past week I ran 2 miles 4 times last week as well. Add it to cutting my diet to the 2,100 calorie range where I should be (since I'm off atkins right now) I dropped from 207.6 to 204.6. A solid 4 pounds. The goal is 194 based off my BMI.

More kegs and more running for me! I already feel more energetic just one week in!
No slacking! :D But nice that you got the pump! :p

I don't know where those photographers got that picture of me - but they better stop posting it !
Lol. I too can't help but laugh when I hear the song because I just picture the goofy guy doing the goofy dance.

I went to the Oriole game Friday night, and the damned oriole bird was doing the dance, but they changed the name of the song to "Camden Style" ( Camden Yards is the stadium name if you don't know ) Gotta admit me and the wife laughed our a$$es off to that! I got home and was going around the house saying "Camden Style" all night - and I'm 46!
Did a ton of cleans up to 90kg
Romanian deadlifts mixed with high pulls on the third rep
Couple sets on glute ham raise machine

Gonna be waddling like a duck tomorrow.
Guys, I have to admit it. I wussed out last night. Played football and felt so bad that I just couldn't bring myself to lift. Had dinner and went to bed.

Was quite excited that I just got a delivery of supplements to try out too. Tonight will have to be better.
Just started lifting again yesterday. Woohoo! Did chest and triceps yesterday, shoulders and legs today. Sore as heck but loving it.

Quick question. I need some workout headphones, what do you guys use?
I've moved away from the barbell bench recently. I'm now doing explosive bech presses in a smith machine. Light weights and trying to push the bar as far off my chest as possible. I let the bar leave my hands and catch it on the way down. Its surprisingly effective. Also barbell high pulls and power cleans are also involved. It's been a lot of fun.
Just started lifting again yesterday. Woohoo! Did chest and triceps yesterday, shoulders and legs today. Sore as heck but loving it.

Quick question. I need some workout headphones, what do you guys use?

I really like the Beats by Dre earbuds. iBeats I think they are called?
Just started lifting again yesterday. Woohoo! Did chest and triceps yesterday, shoulders and legs today. Sore as heck but loving it.

Quick question. I need some workout headphones, what do you guys use?

Good question buddy. I need to figure out a solution to house my iPhone more effectively than in my pocket.

My workout today was just awesome. My tenth week and I'm really starting to feel much stronger in the gym. Weighed in right at 250 today. That's 26 pounds I've lost in ten weeks. I'm ready to start seeing some physical changes soon. I can really see it in my shoulders and a little in the chest. Still have a long way to go!
I'd attach a pic of what I use for running with mine dude but I can't from work. Scour the 'bay for iphone exercise cases and go with one that has a no slip backing if possible so it doesn't turn around your arm or anything while you're keg pumping

Good question buddy. I need to figure out a solution to house my iPhone more effectively than in my pocket.

My workout today was just awesome. My tenth week and I'm really starting to feel much stronger in the gym. Weighed in right at 250 today. That's 26 pounds I've lost in ten weeks. I'm ready to start seeing some physical changes soon. I can really see it in my shoulders and a little in the chest. Still have a long way to go!
Good question buddy. I need to figure out a solution to house my iPhone more effectively than in my pocket.

My workout today was just awesome. My tenth week and I'm really starting to feel much stronger in the gym. Weighed in right at 250 today. That's 26 pounds I've lost in ten weeks. I'm ready to start seeing some physical changes soon. I can really see it in my shoulders and a little in the chest. Still have a long way to go!

Go with a set of Bluetooth headphones. I have a set of Motorola that I like.

Good question buddy. I need to figure out a solution to house my iPhone more effectively than in my pocket.

My workout today was just awesome. My tenth week and I'm really starting to feel much stronger in the gym. Weighed in right at 250 today. That's 26 pounds I've lost in ten weeks. I'm ready to start seeing some physical changes soon. I can really see it in my shoulders and a little in the chest. Still have a long way to go!
Great work on the 26 lbs lost dude! You gotta be feeling awesome right about now. Good for you, keep it up!
26 pounds! Dude that's like half a chunky you've lost. Amazing progress, makes you want to get right back there doesn't it?

I'm sore as crap today, got my back somewhat "fixed" so I was able to start back tossing kegs the past few days. Went a little heavy on the core yesterday morning and it's been a annoying motivator all day.
Just started lifting again yesterday. Woohoo! Did chest and triceps yesterday, shoulders and legs today. Sore as heck but loving it.

Quick question. I need some workout headphones, what do you guys use?

I love my Creative EP 630s. I've used them for almost 4 years without them breaking, and they're not very expensive either.
I just use the ipod headphones. They work good enough.
I just ran my BMI. I am apparently obese lol.
I'd like to share my story, and opinions, and that's just what they are :) I'm just a beginner in working out, just as in golf.

When I was a kid I was quite lean, played serious junior ice-hockey, and was a normal teen just running around. No real weight issues. In '97 I was diagnosed with Colitis Ulcerosa (inflammatory bowel disease) and started to pack up some serious medication. I gained and lost weight in absurd proportions, up to 30-40 pounds in a month, up & down. That was basically because of the medication, the cortisone amounts I had to take gathered fluids like hell. Well, I was operated in '99 and couldn't move around for a bit. That wasn't the problem, but I could several years easily blame my past condition for not taking care of my self. Several years passed by. I started studying in '04 which led to an in furious amount of partying and eating bad food. The one most important factor was also that I've always had problems getting sleep. I slept years only a 4-5 hours a night (on weekends more, you don't have to wake up). Slowly I gained weight and got phlegmatic. I tried diets (speedy one's), working out (usually lasted a week or so) and all sorts of stuff, but apparently always too big steps, and couldn't keep it up. Also I noticed that when you are out of shape and start to work out, your defense mechanisms and immunity system takes a slight dip, and I usually got a flu or something which stopped the training and healthy eating. Then it would take months to get yourself try it again. Doomed to fail.

Luckily, in the end of 2007 and beginning of 2008 I started to take small baby steps towards a healthier future. I don't know if it was my subconscious telling me that "dude, you are getting old, shape up a-hole", or was it just by chance that I managed to get a few months of straight forward healthy food, working out and sleep. I weighed about 236 lbs in december 2007. What got me sleep even better was a natural hormone called melatonin (human brain produces melatonin, and tells your body that you should sleep), in the EU you have to get a prescription, but in the US it's available in all drug stores.

Food wise, the only thing I did was to stop buying bred home, making sure I eat more protein than anything else, and rest will take care of itself. Of course I left out candy and snacks for a while, but after a while you don't crave them anymore. Alcohol intake was reduced later naturally because the need to work out got bigger than the need to have a couple of beers. You can't really work out hungover, right?

Working out then. I started to go to the gym and swimming, and even indoor cycling. I did it quite slowly, didn't try to kill my self in the beginning, three times a week was good. Then after several months, I noticed that I was exercising 4-6 times a week, hadn't eaten fast food more than once or twice in six months, and hadn't been drunk more than once during that time. Calculating calories is not for everyone, but everybody should do it for a while so that they get some idea how much is good for you. The best part is, the more you work out, the more you can eat! I got taking these small steps, until they were big, if you look back. I got from 236 to 176 lbs in a period of 20-24 months. That's a long time, but that's 60 lbs.

A lot of people (especially girls) say that they don't like to lift weights because they don't want to get too much muscles and get all bulky. Well, trust me, you don't. It takes a huge amount of work and work-out hours to get bulky. Normal people with normal habits don't get bulky. They might get muscles, and they get toned, but they don't get bulky. The fact the usually people forget, or don't know how it affects your body, is that the more muscles you have the more fat they burn. It takes an enormous amount of work out to first build muscle, then loose fat, and just build muscle. If you work out two, three, four times a week, you just loose the fat. Of course this isn't always the case, the point is that afraid of getting bulky is just ignorance and a lazy excuse not to workout. Just do it, it's easier to loose the unwanted muscles than to get rid of some extra fat. Also, you need to eat damn lot of energy to get big, and if you eat less than you use, you can't get bulky.

I've used several different work-out programs at the gym, and some of them work better than others. The easiest, and most effective, at least for most people, is the Golden Six by Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's simple, effective, hard but at the same time easy. It's big muscle groups and most of the exercises puts several different muscle groups working. Here it is:

Three times a week. One rest in between. I usually keep only a minutes pause between sets, in the original program they vary a bit.

Squat 4x10
Bench Press 3x10
Chins/Pulldowns 3x10
Behind-Neck Press 4x10
Barbell Curl 3x10
Sit Ups 4x20

I still work out with this one. I didn't go to the gym during april - september because the GOLF, but now I got back, and this is with what I begin with.

Here's me in 2007



Keep on working, you'll swing better too.
Guys, I have to admit it. I wussed out last night. Played football and felt so bad that I just couldn't bring myself to lift. Had dinner and went to bed.

Was quite excited that I just got a delivery of supplements to try out too. Tonight will have to be better.

Shame on you.. No wussing out in the future!
I just ran my BMI. I am apparently obese lol.

Part of the reason BMI is pointless in judging someone's weight health. You can be 10% bodyfat and be obese due to having too much lean body mass (muscle).

I'm 4 lbs from being "overweight" according to the BMI scale lol. I'm a damn beanpole.
I just ran my BMI. I am apparently obese lol.

Too much muscles ;)

Just started lifting again yesterday. Woohoo! Did chest and triceps yesterday, shoulders and legs today. Sore as heck but loving it.

Quick question. I need some workout headphones, what do you guys use?

I use my Sennheiser HD 25's. Excellent headphones! Great quality! Bought mine in -05 and they are still as good as new. Amazing really. Heard that Sennheiser have released a new version of them since. HD 25-II. Have a look at them if you can afford it :) Besides that i would also suggest EP 630:s, great sound, but from my experience poor quality. We get quite a few back of them on warranty issues at my spare time work (like radio shack-best buy kind of store)
Nice post there Castor. You're story is inspiring my friend. I know I'm very new (back into) this game and right now I am hooked. Although I do have an addictive personality. Right now I'm at 3 days a week and a lot of that has to do with the fact that my better half is currently enrolled in a Masters program and is gone 4 nights a week so I just don't have the time that I would require to be in the gym more than that.

Thanks for taking the time to share that story man. It's inspirational.
So I finally found my old weight set and I've been using it on those long study days when I can't make it to the gym, I used to be so muscular and I'm trying gain it all back, I currently look like the guy in TC's avatar lol, except with a small beer gut haha
Tonight's workout:

Intervals on the treadmill at a 6:40 mile pace. 30 seconds on 30 seconds off. For 10 minutes

Weighted 20" Box Jumps. 2 sets of 10. 2 sets of 8. 2 sets of 6. 2 sets of 8. 2 sets of 10. 40 seconds of rest in between sets

Overhead barbell split squats. 4 sets of 10. 30 seconds of rest between sets.
Good stuff in here lately guys. Castor, that's an amazing story, thanks for sharing. Really puts it into perspective the times when I can't be bothered doing this, that some people really go above and beyond.

TC, that's some solid progress man. Averaging 2.6lbs is a nice weekly total, but to do that over 10 weeks is pretty darn good man. Keep the good work going dude.

I also recommend Sennheiser.
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