Golf Channel's Big Break Season 13 (Spoilers)

I dunno about that. Didn't they have close to the same score in last night's show for the driving challenge? Carling cranked one past 265. She can outdrive me.
Lili seemed to have more carry (I think one of her drives went over 280), but Carling sure can putt. :)
I dunno about that. Didn't they have close to the same score in last night's show for the driving challenge? Carling cranked one past 265. She can outdrive me.

What is funny is that she is probably 5-6 and weighs 105 lbs.
It was sad seeing Sara Brown go home :( I finally watched this weeks episode last night! Its been a busy week :smile: I think Lili has gotten the driving down and Carling has the putts :) It'll be a good one next week for the finals!!! I'm hoping its Carling, she reminds me of me, in personality, a little bit :D

I laughed so hard when Carling was talking to her ball in Spanish, that was great :good: haa haa
"ohh lee lee"
i had a sneaking feeling lili would make it to the end... she's a hot chick slayer
Carling all the way. She's from an area not too far from me. Would love to see her victory dance.
Just watched the show. Yay Carling!
Here is Taryn's redemption shot from last Monday's episode, I haven't seen Sara's yet. It starts around the one minute mark of the video.

Season finale tonight.

Carling or Lili?

I'll start. Carling FTW!
I think Carling will win, but it's too bad I'm sure Lili would like to play in the LPGA event in her home country.
It will def. be a good episode :) I'm not sure who I want to win!! I like them both...This season sure did go by fast!
Go Lili, Carling sounds like she should be on the Real World or JErsey Shore.
Yeah, team LILI!
Haha what in the world did lili just say? I dont know what language that was but they beeped it out :D
This is going so FAST, they could so easily do this episode in a half hour.
The black guy that was holding the score sign in the background let it down super fast when he thought the cameras were off him and just hung over for a second grabbing his arm, guess he was tired of holding the sign forever lol
Can't wait to see her fail miserably in real events.

jk jk, but she probably will.
Well smallville wins this battle, carling wins! BUT sara brown sure did look good over there sitting on that bench haha
could Lili have putted any worse? Not to mention all the drops she took.