We're all a LITTLE OCD, what's your deal?

Come on? Who separates their M&M's before eating them? Skittles?
My clubs have an order and they need to be in that order in my bag....and that order is numerical.

Mine all have to go in order too. Looking at it from my push cart it would be left to right, top to bottom: driver, fw, hybrid and then irons in numerical order.
I moved into a new house with my GF. When she loaded the dishwasher, she just put everything into it, haphazardly - cups on top and bottom, plates crooked, silverware pointing up and down, lids laying flat - you get the picture.

I told her right then that I would never load the dishwasher if it looked anything like what she had done.

And I never have. She did not want to change her approach to "doing dishes".

I separate M&M's, Skittles, etc. I organize my dollar bills in my wallet. And I floss every night before I brush my teeth.
Shirts have to be organized by shade, then pattern in my closet

my clubs have to be in the right slot after being used

My cell, car and watch time have to be exactly the same.
Keys. They have to be ordered a certain way on the keychain, all teeth facing the same direction and they always have to be in the placed same spot when I get home.

Ditto on the money. Needs to be organized.

Club order in my bag has to be a certain way.

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This is me too

Look in my wife's purse. I refuse to look
There is stuff in a woman's purse that penicillin won't cure. I ain't going in there
I have a few, but the first that comes to mind is when setting the volume on my car radio, the volume level cannot be a prime number.
Similar here. Numbers have to be even or divisible by 5.
Cash in my wallet always has to be facing towards the front and all the right side up.
I do this as well. Smallest bills are on the outside and increase inward.
Come on? Who separates their M&M's before eating them? Skittles?
Guilty as charged. I eat both in pairs and the colors cannot match. Skittles green and yellow must be eaten together, but other colors can be eaten in any combination.
Shirts have to be organized by shade, then pattern in my closet

my clubs have to be in the right slot after being used

My cell, car and watch time have to be exactly the same.
Ditto on both of these!!

I am sure I have a lot more OCD quirks as well.

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This thread really makes me twitchy...
Reading thru this is funny. I always set the volume on an even number, my wife is well aware of it too, she knows it will bother me to stop on an odd.

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My list is too long to write. Lots of things go on in my head.......
Straightening and hanging picture frames. If they are off even just a little bit, I lose my mind. That's definitely my biggest one. Putting all my clubs back in their exact right place is close.
I love people that have OCD ticks. My sister is extreme OCD, like has to touch something 8 times OCD. I would mess with her everyday. I actually think she had a full blown panic attack once but she locked me out.

I'm the complete opposite as long as everything is where it's suppose to be like dishes in sink, clothes in closet/hamper etc. As far as order you can put it however you want.
When at a restaurant or bar, I always set the napkin or coaster square to the bar/table I'm sitting at and the glass goes centered. At a curved table, I go parallel to tangent.
When at a restaurant or bar, I always set the napkin or coaster square to the bar/table I'm sitting at and the glass goes centered. At a curved table, I go parallel to tangent.
See that explanation is what fancy math schooling will do to you. Tangent and parallel and all. Pie aren't square, pie are round.