Contest Winners Thread

Have you tried out the Dawgs Fildini ? How are they? Curious as to whether you would recommend them....
I just got back into town after 3 weeks on the road working in Arizona going to crash for the night. Hopefully after work tomorrow I can get some pictures up from my caption contest from a month ago..
Got my Adidas Tour 360 4.0 shoes from the U.S. Open contest in today. The fiance has the camera so I'll post pics when I can get ahold of it!
Congrats Ripper, Shanks Jr and Scheitzer. Can't wait for all the pic's.
Got my Adidas Tour 360 4.0 shoes from the U.S. Open contest in today. The fiance has the camera so I'll post pics when I can get ahold of it!

Impatiently waiting
just want to say...the cobra 3 wood I won in the us open contest is KILLING it on the course. Thanks again THP!
Impatiently waiting

She's out of town until Saturday but I'll post first thing when she gets here. Sorry for the wait!
Great prizes and clubs here at THP! Nice clubs stroker!
Maybe Cobra should sign you CCR since they're running out of Tour Pros to sponsor haha
just want to say...the cobra 3 wood I won in the us open contest is KILLING it on the course. Thanks again THP!
I sat, perched on the edge of my seat, ready to pounce on the first white box shaped vehicle that stopped in front of my house. The truck stopped, I lurked towards the door, but it grew skiddish and took refuge at the next stop. I sat defeated, utterly exhausted from the thrill of the hunt, but the tide would turn in my favor. I walked out of the front door to go get my boring mail, however there was a brown box sitting quietly on the corner of my porch. "How could this be I asked?" I was out snuck by the mail woman. She placed my package on the porch without any intentions of alerting me it had arrived, although she did leave a nice little "Ooops, we missed you!" letter in the mailbox. I took pictures to document this epic happening...and here are those startling and revealing photos.








I am going to take some nicer photos when I can borrow a friend's nice digital camera, but these should suffice until then!
A special thanks to :thp: and :taylormade: for this wonderful prize/oppurtunity!!
Awesome wedges.
Those look soo good! Beauties! Thanks for the pics. I like your turn around!
I sat, perched on the edge of my seat, ready to pounce on the first white box shaped vehicle that stopped in front of my house. The truck stopped, I lurked towards the door, but it grew skiddish and took refuge at the next stop. I sat defeated, utterly exhausted from the thrill of the hunt, but the tide would turn in my favor. I walked out of the front door to go get my boring mail, however there was a brown box sitting quietly on the corner of my porch. "How could this be I asked?" I was out snuck by the mail woman. She placed my package on the porch without any intentions of alerting me it had arrived, although she did leave a nice little "Ooops, we missed you!" letter in the mailbox. I took pictures to document this epic happening...and here are those startling and revealing photos.








I am going to take some nicer photos when I can borrow a friend's nice digital camera, but these should suffice until then!
A special thanks to :thp: and :taylormade: for this wonderful prize/oppurtunity!!

Sweet wedges!! I hate when the mail person out sneeks me like that! Even the UPS guy goes it sometimes. And I cant figure out how either, I have both my dogs trained for the sound of the FedEx and UPS truck engine. They go nuts when they hear it too. I did notice that UPS has gone hybrid in some of thier trucks and plans to replace all of them. Sneaky!! Sweet wedges!!
totally awesome win WM! the look very nice. if you want to give them to another desreving soul I'm available... Seriously, I'm sure that you will get some great play out of this set of excellent wedges!
Out to put them on the course for the first time now! :alien2:
Congrats again, WM. What an awesome package to have come to your house. Good luck out there!
those wedges look sweet, I am loving my 60 xft. Let us know what you think
EPIC! love the KBS' on those bad boys
I love those type of deliveries! Congrats, WM!
Guys if you have won a prize on THP, please try and get pics up when you can.
Congrats again WM!! Awesome prize!!
Congrats WM !!

Jealousy raises it's ugly green head and screams....WHY NOT MEEEEE !!!!!!