Would You Eat It?

The pizza needs to be flipped over so you can grab the meal like a hamburger.

Then I would eat it. Otherwise you'll have greasy hands from the pepperoni just holding it.
My heart says "Oh, hell yeah"

My head says "Dude, just f***ing stop already".
no. places that do stuff like this rarely make any of those components well. a good pizza on a good burger over good fries would be great. i just don’t have high hopes in the quality of any of that.
I’d try it but highly doubtful I’d get all the way through it
Am I going to eat it on a day I have a lot of driving, and really any sort of activity planned? No.

On a day when I am close by the facilities all day? Probably.
Yep, of course!
Does a bear **** in the woods?. Sorry, had to.
I would eat it, but I'd fully question how I really got to that point.
Can I get a side of lactaid? If so, yup.
No. kind of

All of those things separately can be done really really well. I dont think they can all be done really really well and then combined to make something amazing.

Would i eat it? I guess.....but i dont actually think it looks that good.
I'd have some, yes. A small portion. No mas!
I didn't know I needed this in my life until now.
No. You lost me at ketchup. Should add more pizza sauce and I am back in.
There's pizza involved, but there's also a burger and fries so there has to be ketchup!
Hell yeah.

Agree with flipping the pizza over. Actually sounds very good.