Where Do You Store Your Golf Balls?


Earthbound Extraterrestrial
Albatross 2024 Club
Sep 5, 2009
Reaction score
South of Boston
I always keep mine in the house. I was doing a search and ran across this article, which seems to indicate that storing golf balls in the house is the way to go.

Mine are stored in my office.
In my study. That is where I bring my bag on extremely hot or cold days as well, even though I have a golf "cabinet" that was built for me in the garage.
I keep most of them in the house. During the season I will usually have a dozen in the trunk on standby.
In a cabinet in our basement which is about 68º year round. The test of putting them in the freezer is silly because a typical freezer is about -5º F. Even her in Minnesota, that’s about 45º colder than my coldest rounds of the year. They should have put them in the refrigerator for the test.
In the basement normally
The article is really about the temperature of the ball when you are playing it, and not about long term storage conditions.

I've had golf balls stored in a fairly stable basement for nearly 20 years and they seemed fine. I doubt that would be true if they had been out on my deck. It's really pretty obvious, balls are made from materials that as a group tend to degrade at elevated temperatures. Even tight living spaces have some closet where a shelf could hold a few dozen balls so keep any that you don't expect to need any time soon somewhere inside.
Garage, but it’s getting cold so will move my Stu to the basement soon
I have a closet upstairs where I keep my golf equipment and all my hunting/shooting equipment. I keep all my golf balls on top of my gun safe.
Mine are in the garage here. In Wis, I kept them in a hall closet
I store a lot of my balls in the lake next to hole 12, but seriously, I store them in the washing machine/mud room next to the garage.
I generally only buy one box at a time so I guess I store my extras at Golf Galaxy. 😝
I keep them on a shelf in the basement
the garage.
it doesn't get all that hot in the summer (Wisconsin), and it's heated to 55 degrees in the winter.
they fly a little longer on hot days, and a little shorter on cold days.

i expect them to fly a little shorter today...current temperature is 31, forecast high is 39.
last round of the year. 😢
I have a golf shelf in the basement. That’s where mine are.
New gamer supply up in my bedroom closet. Balls in my playing bags, shag bag, and other practice/hit away balls either in garage or down in the heated/cooled 'John Deere Room' when temps warrant it.
In the basement with all the other golf stuff including my bag.
Sleeve i have open is in the bag, The Rest are in my office, ( 3rd bedroom).
In the basement along with all clubs, etc. stack of new dozens along with a big box of mint grade used balls I‘ve been working through.
In my golf cabinet in my heated garage.
Mine are stored in the garage during the season and in my living room during the winter months.
Last time I checked the servants store them where the sun don't shine, the basement.
Hall closet.