When is the appropriate time for Holiday music to start?


@alekbabel -2022 Grandaddy!
Albatross 2024 Club
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
And why is it the day after Thanksgiving?

Who doesn't love Mariah Carey? She owns Christmas. But by my watch, we've still got over 3 weeks until it's time.

I would say day after Thanksgiving.
the day after Thanksgiving is my vote, but I'm sure some stations have already gone to holiday music.
Christmas music starts playing in our house in November, but the lights and decorations don't go up until after Thanksgiving.
Started yesterday.....
Christmas music starts playing in our house in November, but the lights and decorations don't go up until after Thanksgiving.
I'll have my lights up, just don't power them until after Thanksgiving. Have to take advantage of the warm, snowless weather.
I'll have my lights up, just don't power them until after Thanksgiving. Have to take advantage of the warm, snowless weather.
I could probably get away with that for some of my decorations, but the icicle lights would make it extremely obvious that I have them up early.
Never, but I guess I'll be listening to it everywhere I go soon enough. :(
24th December.
after thanksgiving is what I think but I lose that fight to my wife and kids every year.
Same time as the tree and lights being put up. About a week before Christmas and the come down/turn off the day after.
Dec 24th
My feeling is Black Friday, but if it were up to me it would be from 6pm Dec 24 until midnight Dec 25.
Damn bunch of haters in here. Yesterday is the proper time and if you do before that, even better! Time for Christmas cheer!
Between Halloween and closer to thanksgiving. Also, if it's newer it's trash.

Old standards of holiday music only.