What's something* you are completely useless at?


Well-known member
Albatross 2024 Club
Oct 24, 2020
Reaction score
Remembering names?
Arriving on time?
Dressing well?

I cannot do DIY to save my life. My brain isn't wired up to do it.

*golf isn't an allowed answer. :)
Remembering names.
I have the DIY thing down in spades (it helps that my best friend is a contractor and always takes my calls).
I’m terrible remembering names.
Not sure. I’ll have to ask my wife. I’m sure she has a list 😂
Drawing anything not directly in front of me, anything round, and people. I can draw a beautiful house, but it's made of lines and I see in lines. Ask me to draw you, and you'll get a stick figure. A really bad one too. 😆
Plumbing and/or electrician work. No bueno
Anything home improvement…plumbing, painting, electrical, whatever.
While not completely useless (if given a good set of instructions), it seems to take me twice as long as it should to cook and clean.
Making small talk
Making the bed!!
Golfing and baking. Why I’m a fitness junkie.Always felt like as long as you put in the work at the gym. No matter who are…
You will see results. Would be lost without it
My ability to do any DIY home repair or improvement. I'm not asking my wife.
Remebering names for sure but also my ability to actually read instructions.
Higher leve math like Algebra, Calculus, Triganometry,.....I just can't wrap my brain around the concepts because to me they don't apply at all to anything I do on a daily basis..

Ironically I love Chemistry and the calculations needed to figure things out...
Not sure. I’ll have to ask my wife. I’m sure she has a list 😂
mood GIF
anything remotely artistic like drawing or painting
Ditto. And my hand writing looks like a spastic 3 year old was playing with a pen.
If it can be measured, quantified, calculated and machine or jig cut, I excel. If it requires freehand touch and feel, I suck.
anything remotely artistic like drawing or painting

Came here to post that. I have zero artistic skill.

Can't sing for the life of me either