What is your golf goal (currently)..?

Even par at my home course from the blue tees (6500y).

I’ve done it from the forward tees (5400y), and the white tees (6100y) in a combined round.
consistency...just had a lesson today, feeling really positive about it
I need a PB. I've shot 68 five times, and the last was over 10 years ago. I'm playing the best golf of my life now, even though I don't play often (golf in Cabo ain't cheap...). I feel like I have a mid-60's in me.

And I need another HIO. I made my only two HIO's in 1996, 16 days apart. 20 years of golf until that happened, and 27 since... I'm friggin' due for another!
I’m trying to get my avg score down to under 85 and handicap down to 10.
If I can stop tempting the golf gods that would be great. I went in a good streak of rounds counting towards my handicap. Then I posted about it and started putting up big numbers. So I apologize if it sounded like I was getting too full of myself, that was not my intention. I’d really like to start playing something that resembles golf again.
I want to shoot under par for 18 holes.

Right now I’d settle for finding my swing again. This past weekend I shot 2 of the worst rounds I have had in years.
Shot par would be great, I’ve come close with 73 many years ago. Currently this year and last few years my best has been 75. I need to reduce my putts, my last round of I think 76 I had like 33 putts.
Right now it’s just to play more golf. The last few years I’ve only gotten out 2-3 times a year. So far this year I’ve played 8 rounds. With 6 kids under 12 it’s tough to always find time, but hoping at least 1 of them will get interested and then we can go out more.

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To be in a spot where shooting over 80 seems very unlikely. I hope I get there until the end of this season. :rolleyes:
I'm sitting at 4.5 hcp. I want to be scratch but I know practice and play time is limited. So let's just move this to a 3 and go one stroke at a time.
I want to break 120/ 60.
#1 Trying to eliminate the mental errors that are killing my scores.
#2 To play the best I possibly can in the Myrtle Beach World Am in August.
Have a lesson scheduled in a couple weeks. trying to get more consistent off the tee with the driver. It’s costing me a good five strokes a round. Lots of trees left and right. Also work on making better decisions. That’s a few strokes a round.
Keep my routine for the entire round no matter what and don't be distracted by others.
I have a Ryder Cup-style trip with my golf group next week. My team is 0-3 in that event, so my current goal is to win that.