What did you shoot today?

Had a great round aside from a 3 putt and a blow up on a par 3 #11. Highlight was a 7 iron into a par 3 #17 (plays 170 to middle), closest I've come to an ace, was playing alone though so I suppose its better to save for another day (telling myself that, along with a bourbon is how I'm going to come to terms with this).

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Seeing all these low scoreso_O
Anyways, had my 1st Eagle in 30 years. Sounds long, but it's been 30 years since I truly played:ROFLMAO:
A 94 due to 2 Throw Up holes. Dang I'd be good at Match Play.
Eagles are not to be scoffed at - congrats!
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VERY happy with my ball striking currently, and every putt felt like it had a chance today. Hit the ugliest drive on 11 I have hit in a while, hence the double. Otherwise good golf all around which I am very pleased with.
87 with three triples and a double. +11 on those four holes, +4 on the other 14.

And that’s why I’m a 14 HDCP instead of a like a 7 HDCP.
79 yesterday and 84 today. Started out with a double today on hole 1 but settled in a shot a 39 front. The back 9 today beat me down.
101... yuck my game is in shambles
37/44 this afternoon. 3 birdies on the front. Then just choked on the back. 2 3 putt bogeys and 3 penalty strokes. So frustrated with myself. It was all mental.
Shot a 44/45 for an 89 on a par 73. Round started out great with 4 straight pars and 3 of those were just missed birdie attempts. Then proceeded to have like 5 fives in a row. Back 9 I got in a little trouble with a few penalties and blocked out shots which cause a few double bogies, still managed to keep it together some. Putting just was not on today but haven't putted on a real course in a few weeks. Good news is that the practice on the simulator is paying of in driver and irons for the most part so will keep plugging away.
I don’t know what I shot today, but it was a lot. Tried to take the pressure off so I could commit to a change I’m working on by playing a practice round. Maybe I should’ve scored it. Shot Scope had me at 90 without the extra 6 strokes for lost balls. A few times I forgot to mark putts so I just hit the flag in the cart. 105+ isn’t out of the realm of possibility. Coincidentally, it felt like it was about 105 out there.
While I'm still struggling with consistent contact, after a few weeks of 95 to 99, I am finally starting to see small improvements. I played 9 after work Friday (43), 18 Saturday (42/45), and 18 Sunday (42/43). Club Championship qualifying rounds have to be turned in this week and the club championship final round will be played Sunday, so I'm sure hoping (by some miracle) things will "click" between now and then.
101 on Saturday, 97 on Sunday on a tougher course. Saturday was bad chipping, Sunday was pretty much solid chipping. The only real difference.
A solid weekend with improvement with putting, better course management, and more control with the driver. I had the opportunity to play the same ball for 21 holes, too.
Last 4 rounds: 82, 83, 80, 83.
Eh, I thought I found a swing that could help me mitigate the wrist pain while still letting me play golf each morning. Looks like I’m going to need at least a day break in between rounds.


I had no control over where the ball was going. These GIR and FIR numbers are laughable
My shotscope thought I shot an 83 on Saturday, but it missed a few of my fluffed chips and a couple putts were just gimme pick ups to keep pace of play going since the club booked us as 5, and we were not going to drag (though we finished in 4hrs8mins instead of 4hrs dead).
I was having a mess on Par 3s as usual, my tee shots were fairly errant (my trusty 5W has given up on me); my 58 was not working (I don't think it has enough bounce to deal with fluffy rough) and then my 2nd/3rd shots were absolutely money with my hybrid and anything from 110y to 175y were dead on money.
Definitely made for a fun round, which is nice considering the last time I played I was like 5 shots to the green.
What happened, weren't you in the mid to low 80s?
yeah i was playing great. i forgot how to hit touch shots and approaches into greens... yikes!
42/40 = 82. I had absolutely no touch with my wedges or putter today, they're normally what save me but today they hurt me. 9/14 FW, 7/18 GIR, 35 putts with 3 three-putts.
46/44=90. Golf sure is frustrating.
We all played from the white tees (only 5600 yards) to make cart golf easier and faster.

Shot 40/37 for 77 par 72 index stayed at 6.6.

6 bogies
11 pars
1 birdie
Met up with @McLovin today at the LPGA Jones. Had a blast!

I was able to drag myself to a 89 today and that's with a white hot start of, birdie, par, par, par. I was able to bring my handicap down to 15.5 with this round, LOL.

@McLovin was really pounding big drives today and hitting irons tight with good trajectory. I think he came in at 75. Putter was HOT for 7 or 8 holes.

87 with three triples and a double. +11 on those four holes, +4 on the other 14.

And that’s why I’m a 14 HDCP instead of a like a 7 HDCP.

I know that feeling. Maybe not a 7, but a 10 or 11 if it wasn't for those dang double bogeys.
47 in league tonight after ending with a triple bogey.

I went back to an old technique for chipping around the green, and that worked great. I still need to work on being more consistent with my back swing.
An interesting game this morning :eek:

Was at the pitch and putt at 0700hrs ( get done before the football ) it takes about 1.5/2hrs hrs to play 18 p&p holes on my own

But there was was another man there early like me, he asked if i wanted to tag along so i did .............................and boy did i regret it !!!!!!

For 8 holes he moaned about the course incessantly , he picked fault with my footwear ?? and had a meltdown cos i`d got a chipper in my bag . He kept on about how many clubs he`d been a member of !!! and how he had reorganized them to make the better (utter bollocks)

so i decided (because the way course is laid out) to play the 8th and then retire (back ache ;)) before playing the 9th and left him there

There was two men stood near the gate coming onto the course laughing as i walked off, one said i bet you never tag along with him again , they knew him and avoided him

but for 8 holes i played awesome , and i chipped in one hole with my trusty chipper and got two more chips with 1 ft ( cos i`m not good enough to get the ball on the green from the tee :LOL:

i got 1 bird, 4 pars and 3 bogies

weather is improving over here so i might go tomorrow