What Are You Working On?

Working on chipping and putting together in one session. Extended my putter to 38.5 inches to make arm lock. It’s very much a front arm pulling type putting stroke. So different from what I’m used too I gripping the putter shaft with the forefinger or middle finger on the grip with my rear hand assistance
I practice tonite and think I’m ready to try it on the course
Changing putting style affect my chipping game. So good to practice my lobs/flops/cut:draw chips with new techniques
Putting. Forever putting.
Lifting the putter off the ground sometime before the stroking the ball. Like Rickie Fowler
I been deliberately trying to hit just the top half of the ball. Like when im shooting pool Give me fantastic end over end roll on the ball. Terrific for short uphill /slower putts.
Working on Cross handed putting setup.
I feel I get to yippy with conventional grip setup. Working really well. Not entirely sure why that is
Two things; less forward lean on putts. I have been leaning forward to correct my leaning away but over corrected and ended up hitting the ball with the top of the putter ending with poor distance control.

I am swaying on my back swing and losing consistently with full shots. More drills to turn and not sway.
Putting. The journey continues. Start to use the line on the ball and it’s not natural but it sure works. In pre putt setup I do look at the hole but not for aiming for distance. I trust my line of the ball. And just roll the ball on its line . Staring at the ball while I putt . What happens is I can keep my head down and do not peek at the hole. I always wonder how Tiger can keep his head down when putting for so long
I posted a longer version of this in the "What Golf Stuff Did You Do Today" thread. Decided to hit some balls into the net this evening. I did use a different 56* wedge but still a good one. The success of the last lesson was short lived. I even reviewed and rehearsed all the moves the instructor showed me. Just hitting short pitch shots, not even a full swing. I am not so sure about this. There are a lot of people that make at least some progress and can actually make solid contact. I feel like I am going in reverse. I mean what I had going on this evening was awful.
Using the line on the ball. Working well. But few greens. I started to aim at the hole and not trust my line. This after a misread what I thought was a flat 6 foot putt that moved one cup I looked at the green again and it’s looks flat. The only thing that was tricky after a second look was there was a pond beside the green and was obviously draining the green
Guess which direction I misread the putt. The one cup towards the pond
more chipping and putting practice . I notice that for longer length putts , when I look at the butt end of the club and become aware of how it moves during the stroke I am very good with distance control
I actually look at the butt end of the putter rather than the putter face just prior to my stroke
With short putt, this awareness goes away and I am more focus on keeping the putter face square to the cup
The short the putt , the more I am concerned about line . LOng putts I concentrate more with speed
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Being aware of a feeling for each type of shot, so starting from the bottom on a full swing and turning the shoulders on a finesse swing. Not a swing thought but a swing feel. Take several practice swings (starting with a very short swing) until I can feel it, then step in and go.

It gives me a consistent pre shot routine from putter to driver. So far it's working on the range etc. Next step is to try it for 9 holes.


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Working on swing, rotate don't slide and tempo throughout swing.
Started to hover the putter again , Instead of lifting the club up with my legs like the driver , I been wiping the putter face and lifting with my right arm only
I have been consistently spinning out of shots and getting the club stuck too far behind me for way too long. Have been working hard on delaying my shoulder turn at the top of my downswing, allowing my arms to drop into the slot, and then rotating properly through the shot. Those things, along with learning to swing without tension in my hands and arms, are finally starting to take hold and bring some great progress.
Two things; less forward lean on putts. I have been leaning forward to correct my leaning away but over corrected and ended up hitting the ball with the top of the putter ending with poor distance control.

I am swaying on my back swing and losing consistently with full shots. More drills to turn and not sway.
That swaying is a bad habit. Somehow thru the years, I had developed a sway going into tbe backswing, and two trips to Golftec in 10 years to get it fixed, as not one person I had played with could see it. I still have to really press myself at address to keep the legs quiet. Talk about swing thoughts! Really do want to keep it simple, and you would think it would just become ingrained over a period of time. Start out a round ok, but it seems like I get lazy as the round goes on, and I catch myself swaying, again! Now, if I can get my hip turn dialed in, I might have a good round for a change. Big inconsistency in my game is the hip turn being too soon, or too late. Really screws up contact with the ball. Don't need an instructor to tell me that this has been my problem for years. I picked this up watching a video on Golf Channel. I think it was Breaking 90, with Martin Chuck, when he talked about starting position, and where we finish, and how to get there. As he was going over that point, a lightbulb went off in my head, and I said there it is! Hip turn with bad timing. So, now when I practice, or as I am playing, I try to be aware of what my swing is doing, especially at contact. See if I can get the stars, and my hips, to align for me, and maybe have a good round doing this...
Putting again. Had a descent round with my putter. Nothing spectacular Was good from long distance. Could improve on my short putts Was staring at the butt end of my putter just prior my putting motion. Seems to work. By the back 9. I was looking at the cup just before I started to putt and through out the stroke and that worked out really well too
My irons. Trying left hand grip /hold on the strong side. Causing hooks. But my distance is greater. To counteract the hooks. I been aiming to right field. This is super weird feeling for me but it’s working to keep the ball online. Rather than looking at my usually target pin. I align my shoulders right of the pin. Focus a spot on front of the ball on the ground where I want my swing to bottom out to create a draw. To create a straighter draw. I produce more steep downswing and more DTL
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Swing sequencing...

Starting the swing with the chest/core turning back slowly and then turning the chest/core back through smoothly...

Arms/club is lead back by the core and then is pulled through. Bye bye arm and hand participation!
This season working on a number of things.

To start with driver backswing. When I tore my shoulder up a number of years ago and ripped one of the tendons off my shoulder I developed a rather longish aka Brooke Henderson backswing. I get kidded a lot but by golly, I have the timing down and can still get the ball out there for a guy my age. I spent a bit of time this winter on a simulator and with a short trial found that my club head speed went up with a shorter swing by about 4-5 mph. That is a pretty large increase in speed.

I have tried multiple times over the past few years to shorten my backswing through various techniques but always give up as I just can’t get timing right and swing too fast with biggest miss being duck hooks. My history is by changing on course while playing and not on the range.

I really want to overcome this in 2024 but need to perfect on the range and not on the course. I started the year by going all in with the change “on course “ while playing and it hasn’t been going well so going to wait until ranges open up (too wet up here with too much rain) and try and spend some sessions just hitting driver.

For the longevity of my shoulder, I really want to make this happen this year.
Working on strong left hand grip for my irons. 4 knuckle grip gives me more shaft lean
Learning to be more steep. Getting very large divots Experimenting with 2.5 knuckle grip showing on the left hand less steep downswing. bow left hand Focus on the top part of the shaft
After playing with @Browndog and @Keith Prater, I knew I had to work on some stuff. Driver and irons improved, 3 wood improved, wedges still need work but this weekend is another weekend.
Full swing - I need to work on not extending early. I'm going to try something a little different with my tempo count to see if that helps more consistently.

Chipping - I need to trust the follow through and not lift my head.
Short game/driver is progressing nicely. I’m not a good iron or full wedge player. Working on the simulator with different iron shafts My 7 iron spin rates are 5500. My 6i/5i probably lower and Too low to hold the green. Typically miss is pull draw. My draws are too low in trajectory. Will try to open my hips and try a more forceful steeper downswing to create more height and backspin
Currently working on shortening the takeaway, and the transition in general. Making progress but keeping the positions is harder after years of making John Daly’s swing look short.