What are you watching? (No Spoilers)

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As in one of the Jonas brothers? Good thing Boo Girl is already in bed.

That's him. The middle Jonas with the bushy eyebrows. He does a lot of the singing. Very dreamy. Broke up with Taylor Swift with a text message.

That's him. The middle Jonas with the bushy eyebrows. He does a lot of the singing. Very dreamy. Broke up with Taylor Swift with a text message.


Good lord--you must actually listen when Jr. Lancer prattles on about this stuff.

Either that, or you are a deeply disturbed fellow.
I plan to watch "The State of the Union" address.
True, but maybe Joe Wilson will yell again. That would be exciting.

Nah, that's a rotating thing. I just can't think of an obscure right wing Republican Congressperson at the moment.
Good lord--you must actually listen when Jr. Lancer prattles on about this stuff.

Either that, or you are a deeply disturbed fellow.

You don't listen? I have a blast knowing that stuff. Nothing funnier than driving a van full of tween girls and joining their conversations. They love it, and it keeps me sharp. I'm a cool dad.

Watched Idol, now the State of the Union.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

Im watching the State of the Union but im about to change it. I always end up staring at the VPs face during these things.
Im watching the State of the Union but im about to change it. I always end up staring at the VPs face during these things.

Biden looks like a bobblehead doll.


The Lakers beating the Pacers :alien2:
State Of The Union Address
Yep and looking at Pelosi makes me squirm.

Its the same crap every year no matter who is President. I dont know why I am even watching it.

pelosi is straight up creepy looking. Agreed on your statement too, it's always the same crap, blowing sunshine & rainbows up our butts.
The thing that bugs me the most is the non-stop standing ovations at every pause in the speech. I haven't heard a single thing in any state of the union addresses that would be deserving of a standing O ever!

I agree with you too Gasman, looking at Pelosi and Biden sitting back there made me want to punch baby seals. Only God knows why I even flipped it over there at the commercial in the basketball game.
The thing that bugs me the most is the non-stop standing ovations at every pause in the speech.

If I was there I would bring back the slow clap from the end of every 80s movie. It would make it a lot more fun.
American Idol. Doogie Howzer is a guest judge.
family guy.
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