What’s the Most Inspiring Thing Your Golf Coach Has Said About Your Swing?


Well-known member
Albatross 2024 Club
Sep 14, 2021
Reaction score

During my lesson last night my coach said something which he hadn’t said before which really inspired me and made the hours of practice worthwhile and will keep me going towards my target of halving my handicap in 12 months. He actually said it twice.

”Wow, that was a real golf swing!”

Now I could take it that the rest were rubbish, but it really gave me hope that we are on the right path. It got me wondering what simple statements others had heard that really motivated them from their pros?

My old coach “you do too many things right to hit it like that. We are just going to clean a couple of small things up.”

Roger Cleveland watched me hit some bunker shots and told me that I had beautiful action through the ball.
"Well, that wasn't complete $%/÷"
Roger Cleveland saw me hit a bunker shot and said “I like this guys move”. That’s all I got
A couple weeks ago I hit 5 or 6 shots in a row and he was silent (he's never silent for more than 2 swings). He finally said "I'm not ignoring you, I'm just trying to find something wrong with your swing. Keep going. I will find something."
@alistaird that is awesome, sounds like you’re on your way to being a better golfer! Keep it up and continue to build on that! Don’t worry about the other swings, golf is a lot about confidence and what your coach saw tells you that it’s in there! I have two...“Wow, when did you learn to hit like that!” My high school golf coach, after seeing me on the course in qualifying for the Championship Flight in a local tournament back in 1987...3 years after graduating. He and my other golf coach were in the 1st and 2nd Flights. They couldn’t believe that I had made it into that Flight! I was one of the worst 2 on the high school team, however, I can boast of being an undefeated high school golfer, I was 1-0! Won my one and only match in my junior year by hitting a long, miraculous putt on the 9th hole! He was there with me as the coaches played with the final pairing! I literally taught myself the game after graduating. I had made it to the final 8 where I ran into a 72 year old robot-like golfer who didn’t hit it far, but had a beautiful swing and was as consistent as I had seen. He beat me 3&2, but I had the best time losing that day, we talked a lot and I learned so much from listening to and watching that guy during the match as a 21 year old! He actually inspired me by saying, “don’t let this match get you down, I’m retired and I play almost daily, you have an awesome game young man, and you could have easily won today!” Now, my game never elevated to great heights, but I was the top golfer on my work league for 3 years in a row against some pretty solid competition following that advice! I have loved this game ever since! 👍
“Well no one died”

I’m kidding. I actually hit some nice irons shots and she was like “channeling your inner Nelly. I like it.”
"If we just tweak a couple small things...."

Tweaked it and boom. A revelation.
Sometimes don’t hear much about the swing but I dig hearing “oh F*** yeah - golf shot!”
Last lesson I got my pro said “your swing is a lot like J.J. Henry’s” 😂😂😂
“I still haven’t seen that miss you were talking about.”

I was complaining about inconsistency in my swing and having a random duck hook. We were pretty far into the lesson when he said that and it felt really good.
A previous instructor told me I "have the swing of a single digit handicap". I wish I could find that swing again. :LOL:
"You win the quick learner trophy for the day."
"You have an athletic swing."

I've never been confused for an athlete.

During my lesson last night my coach said something which he hadn’t said before which really inspired me and made the hours of practice worthwhile and will keep me going towards my target of halving my handicap in 12 months. He actually said it twice.

”Wow, that was a real golf swing!”

Now I could take it that the rest were rubbish, but it really gave me hope that we are on the right path. It got me wondering what simple statements others had heard that really motivated them from their pros?

Well, you finally stopped looking like a chicken flapping it’s wings

It was a good day
"here's your money back. goodbye."
Got lessons years ago. First lesson he watched me putt for a while, then hit some chips and pitches. Didn’t say a word. Then full swing shots for a bit. He then said “Well, you have a beautiful putting stroke.” The silence and lack of words right after that was frightening.
"You don't need any help."

Guy went on to be in the Golf Digest top 100 teachers.

“I can have you at single digits and you will break 80 this season”
Two things.

1. "Boring."

2. On the 7th tee in a foursome where he had a playing lesson with another player. He takes me aside and says, "You are 4 shots up on me. I had no idea you were this good."

Either one will float your boat.
In more than one lesson I've had an instructor breaking down my swing from the start of the downswing to impact position and go back and forth slowly like the Zapruder film and say some semblance of 'this is spot on what you want to do'.

Unfortunately, they always follow it up with, all your problems are in the backswing and too many compensations to consistently get into a good position at the top.

I think that's what's made the game so frustrating. I've always naturally shallowed the club properly and had an inside-out club path. Many instructors have told me there is no reason I shouldn't be a single digit. But I'm always tamping the bad habits out of my swing (outside takeaway, tempo, balance) rather than being consistently better.
Well, you finally stopped looking like a chicken flapping it’s wings
Nope- never heard that one and not sure it's too inspiring?

“At least you’re punctual”!