Voortman Wafers - yay or nay?


Tremendous slouch
Albatross 2024 Club
Dec 14, 2012
Reaction score
Pottsville, PA
I find that a couple times a year, I get a craving for these. Either the strawberry or chocolate kind, although the vanilla are decent too. My dad always got them when I was growing up, so there's some nostalgia factor here too, but they're also just flaky and tasty. After I blast through the package, I'm good for a while, but man the craving is strong when it hits.

Do you guys love them, hate them, or can take or leave them?

A couple times a year. No more, no less. Serious nostalgia!
My favorite is the mixture of 1 each strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. 3 wafers together and take a bite! Mmmmmm
I've picked up the Vanilla a few times and I like them but something about in them just doesn't work for me and gives me a strange mouth feel, like maybe I'm allergic but I have no known allergies so not sure what it is and nothing else causes it.
Not my cup of tea. I’ve got to make every calorie count as it will be painful to shed.
This guy is not a wafer fan...hard pass for me.
There are a few different kinds and I can't remember the brand. But there's one that is dairy free and it's decent. You're right though with them only being a couple of times a year sort of thing - not something to have all the time but every few months I think to myself, hey a wafer cookie would be good.
Put am in front of me and I'll eat am and enjoy. But otherwise wouldn't give them a thought.
Haven’t had those in forever. Liked them as a kid though.

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When it comes to delicious ways to get fat quick, us Dutch-Canadians have it covered.
You put those in front of me you better not want leftovers.
Holy hell...I don't remember the last time I've had one of these. But seeing the box, I have a strong urge to go get them. I'm not sure if that's nostalgia talking or if I remember what they taste like. I feel like I remember but don't know for sure :LOL: I remember loving the vanilla ones though (I think)
I like them
Take 'em or leave 'em for me. Definitely some serious nostalgia though.
Man it's been a long time since I've had those!

Fun fact: there is a Voortman plant about five minutes down the road from my office. Company I used to work for did some mechanical work there back in the day and we got to see the production line. It's quite the process!
I always liked the Voortman windmills.
I'm a big fan, but its been a long time since I've had any.