The Official Rant of the Day

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Yeah...I just dont get why there always has to be conflict in everything

Ok adding in another rant...its 4am. I took 15ML of Lortab Elixir at 9pm and then another 15ML at 3am...Why am I still awake and not even feeling the slightest hint of the fact that I just took a painkiller let alone double what I normally take?

Send it to me and I'll try it out for you. That amount should've knocked you for a loop.

And they have rednecks in Hawaii? Now I really want to go.

Yeah...I just dont get why there always has to be conflict in everything

Ok adding in another rant...its 4am. I took 15ML of Lortab Elixir at 9pm and then another 15ML at 3am...Why am I still awake and not even feeling the slightest hint of the fact that I just took a painkiller let alone double what I normally take?

Hydrocodone will normally make me a little tired. Sometimes though it will keep me awake all night.
Hydrocodone will normally make me a little tired. Sometimes though it will keep me awake all night.

hydrocodone FTW

Im a pretty big guy, and after about 30 minutes after I take 1, I will fall asleep sitting up
People make the mistake of calling me a racist once. I cannot stand racists, have spoken against them in public, and openly criticize those who are racists. There are only a few things that truly get me angry. Calling me a liar, calling me a racist, and talking badly about the time I spent playing football. I get ready to fight at the first sound of any of those.
why am I always the one who suffers from the 'rare side effects' you see and hear about with meds? For my back I was originally put on something that one of the rare side effects was accelerated heart rate and light headedness...yep I got that and had to be switched off it right away. This time I'm on something for the infection I have in my throat where one of the side effects is acute diarrhea and yep, I have that too. Let me assure you there's nothing cute about it too.

why do I win these lotteries but can't win Mega-Millions or Powerball?
Two rants of the day.

First off I was called a "racist redneck" today because I said that I think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are instigators, hypocrites, and purveyors of hatred. I think that might make me opinionated or even outspoken. But a racist I am not. They failed to even take into consideration that I didn't have such nice things to say about el Rushbo or that conspiracy theorist Glen Beck either. GRRRR

Second is the overuse of the acronym LOL. Why? Did you truly just laugh out loud? I'll use the term LOL, but if I do it's because I truly just shot lo carb Monster out of my nostrils. (yes. chances are that's what I'm drinking)

If I offended anyone with my first rant then feel free to PM me. Don't start a riot in this thread.

Siri does my posting for me using Tapatalk.

I don't think your view is a racists view but I'll ask you this, who should be the voice of the black people in America? I don't agree with a great deal of how they come across and it definitely takes away from their message. But who else in America will stand up and continue to fit for full equality. At the root of their rants and loud speeches they really want equality. And the fact that they get the ear of a large portion of the black community in the US, they are needed.
So the next time someone calls you a racist, offer up an alternative. The racist card is a cowardly way to get out of a conversation.....unless the card fits! In this case I don't think it does at all!!
People make the mistake of calling me a racist once. I cannot stand racists, have spoken against them in public, and openly criticize those who are racists. There are only a few things that truly get me angry. Calling me a liar, calling me a racist, and talking badly about the time I spent playing football. I get ready to fight at the first sound of any of those.

You're an angry little dude. Grab a spliff and relax, too young for that kind of angst.

why am I always the one who suffers from the 'rare side effects' you see and hear about with meds? For my back I was originally put on something that one of the rare side effects was accelerated heart rate and light headedness...yep I got that and had to be switched off it right away. This time I'm on something for the infection I have in my throat where one of the side effects is acute diarrhea and yep, I have that too. Let me assure you there's nothing cute about it too.

why do I win these lotteries but can't win Mega-Millions or Powerball?

I'm sorry about this hanks. That sucks!! So taking part in drug studies isn't something we will see from you anytime soon....feel better sir.
Lol, not really. Like I said, those are literally the ONLY things that get me riled up. I am a smooth sailer with pretty much everything else.
You're an angry little dude. Grab a spliff and relax, too young for that kind of angst.

I don't think your view is a racists view but I'll ask you this, who should be the voice of the black people in America? I don't agree with a great deal of how they come across and it definitely takes away from their message. But who else in America will stand up and continue to fit for full equality. At the root of their rants and loud speeches they really want equality. And the fact that they get the ear of a large portion of the black community in the US, they are needed.
So the next time someone calls you a racist, offer up an alternative. The racist card is a cowardly way to get out of a conversation.....unless the card fits! In this case I don't think it does at all!!

How about the President of the United States of America. What irks me the most about Reverand Al is the Duke Lacrosse player case where he went down and persecuted these kids and told the african american woman that he would pay for her to go to college and then it turns out she was lying and boy did he high-tail it out of town. How about, "I made a mistake, I am sorry" Nope. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot? If a group of african american's were accused of raping a white girl and they were persecuted and then it turned out she was lying? It would have been the end of the world. /end rant
probably not but if the comp was right I'd be willing to donate my health for the good of science and medicine thanks man!

I'm sorry about this hanks. That sucks!! So taking part in drug studies isn't something we will see from you anytime soon....feel better sir.
We may need to take this to the Debate Room guys, it's a little hot for the rant thread.
How about the President of the United States of America. What irks me the most about Reverand Al is the Duke Lacrosse player case where he went down and persecuted these kids and told the african american woman that he would pay for her to go to college and then it turns out she was lying and boy did he high-tail it out of town. How about, "I made a mistake, I am sorry" Nope. Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot? If a group of african american's were accused of raping a white girl and they were persecuted and then it turned out she was lying? It would have been the end of the world. /end rant

Ummm...that's happened. And the pres really doesn't have time. If you read my post carefully you'll see that I agree with Colt. It was posted in support of him not to get into a debate and hypotheticals with you.
Blacks men where accused of greater crimes and found not guilty after years in prison but this is not the time or place for me to debate this with you.
I'll say it again, I don't condone any of the behaviors and rants from AS or JJ. But I do support the underlying goal of equality in the US. I think thy are two self serving figures that have lost sight of the goal. I also understand your point, but not what I was going for.
We may need to take this to the Debate Room guys, it's a little hot for the rant thread.

It's all good JR no heat from Florida other than the weather....I'm sure the same is true for Dev
Cool, I just didn't want us to get in trouble. I am moving into the new house today. No golf today, maybe tomorrow though.
It's all good JR no heat from Florida other than the weather....I'm sure the same is true for Dev
Ummm...that's happened. And the pres really doesn't have time. If you read my post carefully you'll see that I agree with Colt. It was posted in support of him not to get into a debate and hypotheticals with you.
Blacks men where accused of greater crimes and found not guilty after years in prison but this is not the time or place for me to debate this with you.
I'll say it again, I don't condone any of the behaviors and rants from AS or JJ. But I do support the underlying goal of equality in the US. I think thy are two self serving figures that have lost sight of the goal. I also understand your point, but not what I was going for.

That rant was not directed at you at all, sorry if it came off that way. Reverand all irritates me something fierce. The African American community absolutely needs advocates and leaders but he should not be one of them. Most African Americans I know HATE Reverand Al and Jesse Jackson. I agree 100% that there should absolutely be equality in the US, but I think Rev Al and Jackson take it too far the other way sometimes and want more than equality.
Fire alarm testing.
Rant: clients that don't appreciate others time.
I don't think your view is a racists view but I'll ask you this, who should be the voice of the black people in America? I don't agree with a great deal of how they come across and it definitely takes away from their message. But who else in America will stand up and continue to fit for full equality. At the root of their rants and loud speeches they really want equality. And the fact that they get the ear of a large portion of the black community in the US, they are needed.
So the next time someone calls you a racist, offer up an alternative. The racist card is a cowardly way to get out of a conversation.....unless the card fits! In this case I don't think it does at all!!

This probably does need to go to the debate room, but I have to ask. Why do they need a voice? What other races have these "voices"? FK, you know me and know what I stand for, but I find both of these two men despicable on most levels and their constant use of fear and hatred to do nothing but line their own pockets.
This probably does need to go to the debate room, but I have to ask. Why do they need a voice? What other races have these "voices"? FK, you know me and know what I stand for, but I find both of these two men despicable on most levels and their constant use of fear and hatred to do nothing but line their own pockets.

That was kinda my point with the Barack Obama thing. This man has reached what most would consider the pinnacle of the world. If he can do it, why can't he be a shining beacon to the rest of the African American community that if he can do it, why can't I? With that said, African American's deserve leaders that will fight for them, not for what makes that "leader" money and fame.
One day, all humanity will only be one color. It will take a long time to get there, but this ignorance will just go away to be replace by something else. To quote Firefly, "We are all just folks."
hydrocodone FTW

Im a pretty big guy, and after about 30 minutes after I take 1, I will fall asleep sitting up

Haha Im a buck twenty...I'll give it one more try but if it does the same thing I am dumping the rest of the bottle since I started craving it last night.
Haha Im a buck twenty...I'll give it one more try but if it does the same thing I am dumping the rest of the bottle since I started craving it last night.

Don't dump it, send it to me! I can responsibly abuse it. Yes, that is a joke.
Don't dump it, send it to me! I can responsibly abuse it. Yes, that is a joke.

You're on team hackers so no :p I cant believe that it was so useless for me last night.
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