CONTEST Post Drive 2023

…and just think I’m off because I have family in town for ten days. I’m not to concerned. 😂
In a couple weeks you will be busy. 😉
Pretty pedestrian bro. Level it up a bit.
Anna Kendrick Mind Blown GIF
Speaking of which…where is @Deebo76 at? You ready to pick up the slack bro?
I broke 2500 today, but it's like rowing upstream trying to catch these crazies.
Some of these guys are going nuts! I love it!
Some of these guys are going nuts! I love it!
It's wild this quarter, bottom guy in the top 5 is about to hit 3000 posts already and we're barely over halfway done!
It's wild this quarter, bottom guy in the top 5 is about to hit 3000 posts already and we're barely over halfway done!
Seems like just yesterday @Canadan made this thread!

Where's our AZcrew and West Coast contingent this evening?
I broke 2500 today, but it's like rowing upstream trying to catch these crazies.
Sheesh, did you go on vacation or something? This is unlike you!