Next to win 10 Majors?

Lefty Moonshot

Well-known member
May 3, 2021
Reaction score
San Antonio
Will any current player on the tour get to 10 Major wins? Someone not listed?

Current List
Rory - 4
Spieth - 3
Morikawa - 2
JT - 2

LIV players, if they come back?
Phil - 6
Koepka - 4
DJ - 2
Considering Phil has 6 and has had probably the best career of the last 40 years of anyone not named Tiger Woods--I'm going to say the next guy to win 10 majors we don't know yet, and likely is not an active pro

There is too much parity right now. I've said this before but i think golfers have gotten too good. In a sport where there's no defense , if you have 100 guys with similar skill levels, winning 10 majors in a career is close to impossible

Tiger and Jack were both incredible players, and also benefited from times just being different. Half of Jack's fields were hobos just looking for the free warm soup that comes with being in a PGA event, and when Tiger started playing there was still plenty of fat guys driving it 260 he could blow it 50 yards past.
I don't see anyone currently on tour or LIV getting to 10 majors.
I think the best bet would be Morikawa, but I agree that we likely don't know the person who will be next to win 10 quite yet.
I don't see it happening.
Charlie Axel Woods
With elevated events giving incentive for big wins outside of majors, I’m going to say no one gets to 10 again. Tiger may be the last to prioritize majors like he does
I'm also in the camp of no one getting to 10 majors. If I had to pick who would prove me wrong it would be Morikawa as he already has 2 and is still so young. Thought that about Rory too though.
I’d be placing my bet on no one getting to 10 that is currently on a pro tour
As a lot people said, someone not yet on tour.
I certainly haven't seen a golfer out there worth betting the bank on for 10 majors.

It's not that I don't think guys are capable, but the problem is, there are too many capable golfers out there to dominate like that. When there are only four a year, the potential is SO low.
Considering Phil has 6 and has had probably the best career of the last 40 years of anyone not named Tiger Woods--I'm going to say the next guy to win 10 majors we don't know yet, and likely is not an active pro

There is too much parity right now. I've said this before but i think golfers have gotten too good. In a sport where there's no defense , if you have 100 guys with similar skill levels, winning 10 majors in a career is close to impossible

Tiger and Jack were both incredible players, and also benefited from times just being different. Half of Jack's fields were hobos just looking for the free warm soup that comes with being in a PGA event, and when Tiger started playing there was still plenty of fat guys driving it 260 he could blow it 50 yards past.
@MtlJeff I actually lol’d at your ‘hobos just looking for the free warm soup’ description! 😂 Loved it, and I had trouble keying this while laughing! That’s a beauty my friend! I will be using that from time-to-time going forward! Thanks for the Friday AM laugh, much appreciated!

You forgot to mention the all too possible ‘Roid’ affect with Tiger as he went from a twig to a tree trunk in a very short time thanks to an out of country doctor! Strange that with his $$$ He couldn’t find local medical experts! The Canadian doctor that did his “blood spinning” treatments was also charged for bringing PEDs illegally into the there is always that possibility for the Tiger separation of talent!
Nobody, or at least nobody who’s born yet that we know about
Honestly I do not see anyone getting to 10. The fields are way too strong for a sustained run.
No Body. Players nowadays are not motivated to win majors. Not like others from past were. So nobody on tour now is gonna win 10.
The field
Maybe some kid on a video game. Margins are super thin these days.
I don't see anyone ever getting to 10 again. There are just too many guys that are that good now. The competition is so tough that I think 4-6 majors is now a HUGE accomplishment.
Spieth will
Hard pressed to see it happen with the tremendous level of talent.
No. Too many good players currently who are quite capable of winning Majors.