Keurig vs Tassimo

So... I have friends in the area that have both. This next week I am joining them each for a cup of coffee (or three) and will make my decision off the that testing.

I mean- if I wouldn't buy a golf club without being "fit", why would I buy a coffee machine without being fit!

Good idea Gus. Ask them both about the brew your own feature on both. Not sure if Tassimo has that yet, but its a big deal.

Mrs SAM bought a Keurig about a month ago. I liked it pretty well using the variety of pre-made cups, but once I broke out the attachment cup and brewed my own Colombian, I was sold. I will probably occasionally use her pre-made flavor cups, but my Colombian w/ a dash of half 7 half = heaven.

Agreed. The make your own cup is absolutely my favorite.
Good idea Gus. Ask them both about the brew your own feature on both. Not sure if Tassimo has that yet, but its a big deal..

The Tassimo does not have the "brew your own feature" that I am aware of.
The Tassimo does not have the "brew your own feature" that I am aware of.

That would be icing on the cake for me, but its not me as I went back to Keurig for a few others things (mainly choices), but I am looking forward to your feedback.
Used Keurig for years and then switched to the Tassimo in my last office. Choices was the main reason I went back to the Keurig.

Here is the "blank" one.


Absolutely love this thing on some darker roasts that I love. It will brew any coffee you would like.

JB - Is there some secret to using the "My K-cup" correctly? I have one and must be doing something wrong because when I use it, the water doesn't seem to go through it correctly and I get a messy cup of watery coffee (undrinkable). I just fill the inner basket to the line with grounds and then put it into the cup and screw on the top. Take out the regular holder from the machine and pop this in. Doesn't work right for me and I just stick to regular K-cups.

I really like the convenience of the Keurig. I also use a french press and also still brew full pots with a Braun drip brewer.
JB - Is there some secret to using the "My K-cup" correctly? I have one and must be doing something wrong because when I use it, the water doesn't seem to go through it correctly and I get a messy cup of watery coffee (undrinkable). I just fill the inner basket to the line with grounds and then put it into the cup and screw on the top. Take out the regular holder from the machine and pop this in. Doesn't work right for me and I just stick to regular K-cups.

I really like the convenience of the Keurig. I also use a french press and also still brew full pots with a Braun drip brewer.

I have not had a single issue with mine. I absolutely love it. Hmmmm. Not sure really, have you tried to contact their customer service?
Mrs SAM bought the mid-size Keurig about a month ago. I liked it pretty well using the variety of pre-made cups, but once I broke out the attachment cup and brewed my own Colombian, I was sold. I will probably occasionally use her pre-made flavor cups, but my Colombian w/ a dash of half & half = heaven.

Yes sir this is so true. I love mine,got as a Birthday gift
I have had both and I would go Keurig all the way. Like clam fist said it's easier to find Keurig items especially in bulk. You can brew more than just coffee and tea with it. They make hot chocolate and I believe other coffee types. I found that the Keurig coffee tastes better as well and alot less cleanup.

I to go Keurig, my main one in Sumatran by Green Mountain or Tullys French roast.
Local cigar shop has one of these, I love the Kona. Still love my DeLonghi though.
We use the Keurig in this house. One advantage is the "My K Cup". Grind and brew your own beans.

Another vote for Kuerig here. I have had mine for about 6 months and could not go back to regular. If I want to grind something different I just use my Chemex glass coffee maker. It is a little more labor, but the flavor of the coffee exceeds any mechanical maker I have ever used.
Another vote for Kuerig here. I have had mine for about 6 months and could not go back to regular. If I want to grind something different I just use my Chemex glass coffee maker. It is a little more labor, but the flavor of the coffee exceeds any mechanical maker I have ever used.

Nothing beats a French or Coffee Press. It's all about the sludge.

Got the Keurig Special Edition the other day and did not like the coffee at all. Every variety I tried came out weak. Not undrinkably weak, like something was wrong with the machine, but just weak like cheap restaurant coffee. I wanted to like the machine, the convenience cannot be denied, and there's a great selection of coffees and teas, but if the final product isn't good then what's the point of it all. It was very mediocre coffee at best and nearly undrinkable at worst.
Keurig by far. They have several dark, rich coffees to choose from: Green Mountain Dark Magic, and Green Mountain Double Black Diamond. Also in a couple of months, Starbucks will become available for the Keurig.

Keurig is a great machine and concept.
I bought the Costco special edition with tons of K cups included, and I didn't like any of them. If you have some K Cups that are weak, try brewing smaller cups for more strength. Or, dump the included K cups for the varieties I just mentioned in another post. With a new machine, you get some free K cups from Keurig online. Check the enclosed literature.
Got the Keurig Special Edition the other day and did not like the coffee at all. Every variety I tried came out weak. Not undrinkably weak, like something was wrong with the machine, but just weak like cheap restaurant coffee. I wanted to like the machine, the convenience cannot be denied, and there's a great selection of coffees and teas, but if the final product isn't good then what's the point of it all. It was very mediocre coffee at best and nearly undrinkable at worst.

DId you take it back and try another one? or, their is an attachment to pack your own, which you can use a finer ground been and pack it tighter. I haven't had that problem and have the same one at my office. Also, it makes hotter coffee than my home Jura-Capresso Impressa Z5, for a fraction of the cost.
Keurig is hands down the best coffee maker I have ever used. We liked it too much in fact and started going through a whole box of cups per day between the two of us. I had to put it away. It only comes out on special occasions now. The right K cups make all the difference.
+1 to Keurig here as well

Plus, k-cups are about $0.35 from costco or amazon deals or etc.
I am in the market for a small coffee maker and I was wondering if anyone here had experience with these two systems.

About my use:
I drink about 2 cups of coffee a week. I have put off getting a coffee pot mostly because I never have a need for a full pot on my own. However, it isn't uncommon that I entertain and I always feel bad when I can't offer coffee to my guests. I want convenience and some level of flexibility.

Here is what I have found by searching online-

Brews things other than coffee (lattes, espresso, Cappuccino, etc) that are pretty good
Older reviews say that the Tassimo coffee is a little suspect, but I can't find anything newer than 2007. Perhaps that is something that has changed?
The discs are more expensive and has less variety in pure coffee ($0.80/cup)
Base model is more expensive than Keurig

Brews only coffee, tea, cider
Better flavors and larger variety of blends/types. Some complaints of watered down coffee with larger cup sizes.
The cups are easier to find, easier to buy, and a little cheaper ($0.60/cup).
Base model is cheaper than Tassimo

Does anyone in THP land have one of these makers? What are your thoughts?

I actually have both, I gave my Tassimo to my cousin because I loved the variety that Kuereg offers and we have one at my parents, both my offices and our home. My wife enjoys the ice coffees very much. I have found that the coffee is not as concentrated as when I brew from my regular coffee pot. But its great to make a one cup when I ever I want.

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If anyone is contemplating purchasing one, my mother in law expressed interest in a Tassimo so I did some research. I guess they don't license out a lot of popular coffee (or they lost the license to?) so supposedly the machines are being clearanced at cheap prices at retail stores. I think you can find one for like $80, which I think is a big discount. Keurig, on the other hand, keeps expanding what kind of coffees are available (like Starbucks) and you can actually use your own coffee blend, I believe. This is all from research, as we were thinking about getting one for the MIL for her birthday about a week ago (but we didn't).
Keurig also does hot chocolate.
I recommend the keurig Ive had it for about 4 years with no problems. They have a huge variety to choose from my favorite is doughnut shop.
We have both. The Tassimo was fine, had the Starbucks coffees I liked. Keurig is great! Easier to use, easier to find K-cups. You can even find (at Costco I think) boxes of 80 k-cups at a very reasonable price (about 43 cents a cup).
I used to work for Bosch.. they bought the Tassimo business unit and was trying to re-vamp the offerings ... i tried so many cups of tassimo's b/c the PM sat next to me LOL....

great appliances.. but the Keurig is a worthy competitor as well.. basically pick the one you like the coffee from .. both systems are pretty good....

personally I went w/ this:

fresh ground beans! Paid for itself cuz I never swing by my local coffee shop in the mornings anymore (sorry Peet's!)
I used to work for Bosch.. they bought the Tassimo business unit and was trying to re-vamp the offerings ... i tried so many cups of tassimo's b/c the PM sat next to me LOL....

great appliances.. but the Keurig is a worthy competitor as well.. basically pick the one you like the coffee from .. both systems are pretty good....

personally I went w/ this:
that is a sweet machine but being a coffee geek<?> in house of non drinkers have to stay satisfied with french press, moka pot etc--would like a Techniform drip machine but have settled for a home roaster instead!!

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