Impact screen bounce back?


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2018
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I've always been a net guy. Just put up a impact screen.
It's not trampoline taught. I have bungies on the sides and they're not taught.
More or less it's hanging by it's weight and loose.
I stand at least 8' away from the screen and balls bounce back at me and I can catch them at chest level!
Does yours just drop after contact or bounce back?
If they bounce back, how far?
What can be done to reduce bounce back?
I looped 2 bungies together and in some spots 3 to make it less taught. I also installed some 1/2" puzzle tile gym flooring under some cheap Home Depot turf to reduce the bounce when the ball drops. Mine tend to pretty much drop straight down or at most come back to my feet now ~10' away.
my bungies are hanging down, they're not tight at all.
I've got padding on floor also, but the ball never touches between my screen and me.......I can catch them at chest level and often time do. That would be about 11 or 12' of bounce back with an 8 the air.
Hmm.. definitely doesn't sound right! The only other suggestion that I'd have is the bottom 2-3ish feet of my screen is not bungied in - just hangs. I don't think that would correct such a severe trampoline effect that you're having though.
did you ever get this resolved? struggling with bounce back
Try hanging a thicker material a few inches behind the screen or a piece in the area where the ball strikes. That should dampen the bounce.

Old carpet, fake grass, mats, etc.
this was an issue with my neighbor's screen, the balls would come back at us pretty quick even after adding padding behind the screen and loosening it up. enough that we could catch them from the air, and a few times the ball knocked a drink over. we watched the backside and on driver swings it was shocking how far the screen gets pushed in by the ball - they were actually getting to the wall through the padding and that's what was bouncing it back at us!

he slid the enclosure out an extra 6" from the wall and now the balls drop nicely and roll to our feet.