These went in the front raised bed today.

Can't wait to get into our Texas house in a couple weeks and start building my landscaping out.

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Picked up a lot for the front yard to plant this weekend as we redo some landscaping.

Adding some bold and bright colors to the landscaping should be fun.
The ties are now all in

The ties are now all in

Looks great. I'm reading up on Southeast Texas gardening and getting ready.

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I’m more of a yard guy than a garden guy, but my wife just informed me yesterday that I’ll be growing an herb garden for her this summer. No idea how I’m going to accomplish this, but I am looking forward to the challenge.

Now I just need the weather to warm up a bit, so I can get started.
New black mulch was just done a few days ago across the entire front of the house and where all of the new flowers are being planted.
GG is currently putting together another raised bed for some more veggies.

Its coming together as the weather has been great.
Its not a garden, but I'm about to start transplanting some young pines from woods behind the house to the front of the house. The front yard was completely cleared as the house was built as a spec home, so the builder wanted everyone to see it. Unfortunately, I would prefer the privacy and aim to restore it, even if little by little. The plan right now is to use a few cedars on either side of the driveway and then turning to run parallel with the road for maybe 25-30 feet. Since its a driveway, it should stand out some, but I want the rest to look as natural as possible. Unfortunately, 75 feet of driveway and cedars leave 200 feet of wide open to the front of the house to fill in. Its going to be a long time and a lot of work.
My Wife's grandmother used to keep a gigantic garden every year on her small farm. She was 95 years old when she decided she wasn't going to plant one anymore. I told her I'd do it for her the next year. Unfortunately, she died that winter (2 years ago this month). My Wife inherited the place, and we've been doing a lot of fixing things up, including a complete remodeling of the entire house. With most of the big stuff done now, we've started on the "farm" parts. We built a new chicken coop last weekend, and got 10 chicks. She told me last week that she wants to plant a garden this year as well. Her grandmother's garden had downsized over the years to about 1/3 what it used to be, but it was still 100'x30'. It was amazing to see a woman in her 90s out there every day tending that garden (which was probably a big part of why she lived to 95). Ours probably won't be that big this year, but maybe half that size. The Wife has never had a big garden, but I grew up with one every year. I'm kind of looking forward to gardening again. It's quite therapeutic, and the fresh food you grow yourself just can't be beat.
We need pictures PJ
My Wife's grandmother used to keep a gigantic garden every year on her small farm. She was 95 years old when she decided she wasn't going to plant one anymore. I told her I'd do it for her the next year. Unfortunately, she died that winter (2 years ago this month). My Wife inherited the place, and we've been doing a lot of fixing things up, including a complete remodeling of the entire house. With most of the big stuff done now, we've started on the "farm" parts. We built a new chicken coop last weekend, and got 10 chicks. She told me last week that she wants to plant a garden this year as well. Her grandmother's garden had downsized over the years to about 1/3 what it used to be, but it was still 100'x30'. It was amazing to see a woman in her 90s out there every day tending that garden (which was probably a big part of why she lived to 95). Ours probably won't be that big this year, but maybe half that size. The Wife has never had a big garden, but I grew up with one every year. I'm kind of looking forward to gardening again. It's quite therapeutic, and the fresh food you grow yourself just can't be beat.

That's really cool, like JB said, I would love to see pictures.
That's really cool, like JB said, I would love to see pictures.

There will be pictures once I get it tilled up and planted. Still too cold here right now (29°F this morning). I'll see if I can scare up some old pics of it when it was huge.
Google Maps still has an old picture up of the property. The red outline between the house and the barn is what used to be the big garden. The bottom part was still garden for the last 20 or so years. The top part was turned into a playground for my Wife's kids, and about a dozen peach trees. We've kept four of the peach trees, still have a pear tree, and four blueberry bushes. There are also black walnut, pecan, and shagbark hickory nut trees around the house.

Garden size.JPG
Pavers have been extended and GG added a couple more raised planters.

2018 garden





Tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplant, jalapenos, squash, cucumbers, banana peppers, sunflowers and companion plants.

From 2017



Our garden still has snow above the fence covering the entire thing...

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I've started my seeds inside for spring planting. Tomatoes are starting off strong. Jalapenos are starting up. Still waiting on the green peppers to make an appearance. I can't wait for May when I can put them outside and hopefully start getting some veggies off of them.

I'm jealous of those of you that can get your gardens started already. Stupid Ohio and it's cold crappy weather. :angry:
I've started my seeds inside for spring planting. Tomatoes are starting off strong. Jalapenos are starting up. Still waiting on the green peppers to make an appearance. I can't wait for May when I can put them outside and hopefully start getting some veggies off of them.

I'm jealous of those of you that can get your gardens started already. Stupid Ohio and it's cold crappy weather. :angry:

True, but keep in mind most of my garden will be dead by July, so it's a trade off I guess.
Google Maps still has an old picture up of the property. The red outline between the house and the barn is what used to be the big garden. The bottom part was still garden for the last 20 or so years. The top part was turned into a playground for my Wife's kids, and about a dozen peach trees. We've kept four of the peach trees, still have a pear tree, and four blueberry bushes. There are also black walnut, pecan, and shagbark hickory nut trees around the house.

View attachment 31632

I just saw this, that is some serious land. I am very impressed.
True, but keep in mind most of my garden will be dead by July, so it's a trade off I guess.

That's very true, but who says most of mine won't be either. :alien: I'm hoping for some good growth this spring/summer. I can almost taste the homemade salsa.
I just saw this, that is some serious land. I am very impressed.

Thanks, GG. This is about 2 of the 5 acres total. We love it, and it's where we plan to grow old together.

The area between the garden and the fence line below it is where we practice our chipping into a kiddie pool. It's about 60 yards from the house to the barn. A decent home practice area.
Check out GGs new pepper plant. Growing like crazy.


Here are my plants. A mix of tomato, jalapeno, and bell peppers. Only 6 more weeks until it should be ok to put them outside.


A month in and things are looking good. Had to replant a few the wind has been brutal down here.