Don't know where to turn next

the boss

golf addict help me!!
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
coventry england
I really don't know what to do next, like most I love golf but I'm at a point where my swing isn't a swing its all over the place I have lessons practice 4-5 times a week I just can't seem to get it together to the point I'm seriously considering quitting. my mental health with my game is at an all time low. Anyone else been here and what did you do to help yourself?
Honestly, take a week or two off. Then start back up with your irons and small swings.

This should be a fun game not something stress inducing.
After I broke my left wrist for the 5th time, I could no longer bomb the ball or score. I actually quit the game entirely for a few years. My kid took it up and got me back into it. I discovered my reasons for playing and working so hard on my game were all wrong. Now with a deaf scaphoid bone in my left wrist, severe arthritis in my right, I am happy to hit the ball at all, because I am with my boys, and loving every minute of it. Maybe a little reset is all you need.
Yeah take at least a week off to reset your mind and body. Then when you get back to hitting balls you won’t have any expectations and you’ll hitting them great.
oh yeah i’ve been there. i have a thread about my journey to improve that’s full of some highs and plenty of lows.

like others have said a break is probably the best for you. the bug will bite you again and you may have a clearer focus.
Like others, I would suggest taking a short break from your practice regarding your swing.
I was there pretty much all last season and into this season. I also felt like quitting...on a number of occasions. On the positive side, I developed a good short game, which has been a real stroke saver, on the other hand I was getting very frustrated with my full swing game. Sometimes I would be on the course and ask myself, "What are you doing out here?"

However, I kept grinding away and a couple of months ago found a serviceable swing. Is it optimal? No. But it's better than what was, and I've played a few very nice rounds. I will continue to work at it and hopefully develop more consistency. In the meantime I will accept what golf gives me on any given day.

Good luck going forward.
Cheers Guys I have just had 2 weeks away, Golf is what keeps me sane and level headed. my mental health has ups and downs but my main escape is golf and now that is just adding to it.
I walk away for weeks sometimes when I don't play well. I come back, and have a couple of decent rounds, nothing to write home about, but felt pretty good about the rounds. Golf is not something I HAVE to do at this point in my life. When I retire soon, maybe I will refocus on golf more, and maybe play more. Right now, with job, family obligations, house projects, and just life in general, been pretty busy, especially weekends. I don't even think about golf lately being so busy! Would not mind getting out there, just a matter of when...
We have all been there. Have struggled with my driver for 2 years now. Have learned to tee off with a 4 or 5 iron as I can get
those to 200 yards plus and stay in the fairway. It is a frustrating situation to be in as I keep trying to get that driver back where is was.
I'm not gonna give up on it. I know it is one little glitch to overcome. Improving your short game will give you some mental satisfaction when you see you scores dropping.
Try changing your perspective... right now you're frustrated and thinking of quitting.

What got you playing in the first place? Go back to that and revisit it. Enjoy nature. The sun when it's shining. The fog when it isn't. The wind when it's blowing. The rain when it's falling. And you're on the golf course. NOT at work!

What part of your game works?
What part doesn't work?
Try a different instructor.
Don't practice as much.
Practice more.
Just hit 1 club.
Just chip.
Just putt.

I don't practice much. I should.
I don't play a lot. I want to and I should.
I broke 100 once.

I play because it's not work. And I like it. And I know my golf game will never make me a living. And my scores don't matter. But that pure shot I get per round when I hit the ball flush keeps me coming back. It's not torture, it's golf. And it's fun!
Stop keeping score. Stop caring. The uncomfortable realization that it is what it is, is liberating.

Not worrying about being scratch and I am just a guy who can shoot high 30s or low 50s and just enjoy being outside with people I like (love - I golf with my wife and kids), is better than being well above average at a game.
Definitely take some time off and there is nothing wrong with that. Think about why you started playing the game and the most fun you've had on the course. That's what keeps me coming back. I always usually take the winter off anyway which I think helps me not to get burned out.
I really don't know what to do next, like most I love golf but I'm at a point where my swing isn't a swing its all over the place I have lessons practice 4-5 times a week I just can't seem to get it together to the point I'm seriously considering quitting. my mental health with my game is at an all time low. Anyone else been here and what did you do to help yourself?
Whenever I’ve undertaken some kind of change in my game, whether it be lessons, new clubs, or whatever, it has frequently led to a step back in performance as I went through the awkwardness and discomfort of making the change. Thankfully most always the temporary step back led to a sustained improvement afterwards.
You can step away until you feel that urge or desire to come back. If you are overly “score oriented” put the scorecard away for a bit... and just focus on hitting one good shot per hole. Just try to make it fun again. If it’s not - why mess with it?
Cheers Guys I have just had 2 weeks away, Golf is what keeps me sane and level headed. my mental health has ups and downs but my main escape is golf and now that is just adding to it.

yep, i've been there too. this year i've decided to focus more on a fitness routine with the time i used to devote to golf. golf wasn't giving me the outlet i needed, so at least with fitness i'm doing something to better myself.
There seems to be a rush to the end. What’s the end? Who knows? You don’t have to play 4 days a week to be a “golfer” or have a 0 handicap. It’s a matter of finding a place in your game and enjoying what you’re doing. Family life for me has been insane the past few years. Golf? What’s golf? Very little time to do anything. So, I got a little obsessed with wedges. For months that’s all I did. I could find an hour to run over to the course, relax, and do “something” that I felt was productive and still feel like a “golfer”. Fiddle with clubs in the garage, try something. All good. Now I’ve moved onto my putters. It’s been quite fun and I’m not wanting for anything. I’m totally convinced that the hyper-focus is paying off and feel more in tune now. Being able to pick up little nuances and little details about what I like and don’t like. Who knows if it will translate. But at least it’s rewarding.
Cheers Guys I have just had 2 weeks away, Golf is what keeps me sane and level headed. my mental health has ups and downs but my main escape is golf and now that is just adding to it.

First welcome back. Second I would say change something up. If you have been working with the same instructor and trying to practice what he is teaching you and you can’t get it get some new eyes on you. Not every instructor communicates well with everyone. I have worked with people that were good for others and I just couldn’t do what they were telling me.
I’ll support ya dude. Post your progress, both good and bad and keep grinding!