Do You Play Golf?

What percentage of The THP Universe doesn’t actually play golf? Such an interesting question?
Yes… I consider it “play.” I’m never overly-serious about it. I do want to do well - and I can be disappointed if I don’t… but, it’s still a game that I play.
My wife thinks I do and that's what's important
I use to play golf a couple of decades ago. Back when I was playing my best, consistent golf. I could go to almost any course and break 80....most of the time.

These days I play "at golf" if that makes any sense. I have fun just trying to string a few golf shots together. Playing, or practice, I like hitting golf balls.
Yes.. at times.
I try… but not sure that’s what I’m doing 😂
I used to, and was more competitive then. However, I find myself more so just casually playing nowadays. I also find it less enjoyable now. Sometimes I have the itch to play but when I’m out for hours I find myself thinking I’d rather be home with my wife on the couch hahah.
More this past year than all previous years combined (possibly). And have loved every minute of it. This fall played in temps in the 40s and would have never even considered doing that in the past.
Played 16 holes of golf Sunday, not sure what you’d call 17 and 18 🙃
Absolutely. I can hardly wait for the snow to melt and be back outside.
Some days I play golf. Some days I play damnit.
Yes I do and I enjoy it so much, even when playing badly 😢. Can't believe I walked away from it for o many years due to frustration. Older and Wiser I guess. Much Older. 😀
I do play golf to answer the OP question sometimes. I’ll 💯 follow all the rules in entirety which are required for the game.

Sometimes, if I’m out just enjoying the day, I might not follow all the rules and my playing partners don’t either. Those days we don’t record our scores, but we enjoy just enjoy the day.
As I'm returning after. along break and helping my son with his first steps at the range I guess at the moment I'm still golf swinging, although I will play some holes on Toptracer during a practice session. Looking forward to March when I can finally take my son out onto a course here that isn't waterlogged on the fairways. Then we'll certainly be doing our utmost to play golf.
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Yes, but not as often as I would like to.
I want to answer yes but I haven't played in nearly 3 years because of injuries. Hoping to get back out this summer.
Yes. 2023 was a slightly odd year in that I was with people who often wanted to play scramble or some variation like that, which led to a weirdly low number of straightforward rounds. Would like to play more direct 18s in the name of data collection and handicap.
Let's go!