Cross your fingers please...


New member
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Bern, Switzerland
I started playing Golf about 6 months ago and think i made quite some progress. But here in switzerland you can't just go out and play on the 18 or 9-hole courses. you have to pass a rule and a practical test before. i already passed the rule and etiquette test. now the practical test is tomorrow. You have to shoot a score of 30 or lower on a 6-hole PAR 18 course. When i am having a good day it should work alright. But if i am having a bad day......
so please cross your fingers for me so i can finally start playing on the real courses ;)
Good luck and I hope you're out playing this wonderful game on the full courses next week.
Good luck, hope you have a great time.
Best of luck lad. Hope everything goes well for you.
Best of luck to you. I wish we had a system like that here.
Best of luck to you. I wish we had a system like that here.

Yes, but i think it's kind of a double-edged sword. It also prevents a lot of people from start playing golf. Because all this tests and courses you have to pay them and they are quite expensive. But i think the rule and etiquette test is a very good thing.
Yes, but i think it's kind of a double-edged sword. It also prevents a lot of people from start playing golf. Because all this tests and courses you have to pay them and they are quite expensive. But i think the rule and etiquette test is a very good thing.

I could see that. However, in Merica, courses can be filled with folks who have absolutely no concept of etiquette thus leading to some pretty painfully long rounds of golf. I hate slow play.
Best of luck to you. I wish we had a system like that here.

They have this system in Germany as well. It's a great system!
Good luck, just relax and play your game.
Good luck!
Good luck! I am sure you will do just fine.
Good luck! I'd love to see 2 tiers of courses here. One lower tier where anyone can come and play like today and a different tier that requires a test system like this. I HATE slow play and even more I hate people who abuse the course out of ignorance but I do think there is a place for a family who only golfs once or twice a year to be able to come out, hack it around for a few hours, and have FUN. I frequent a small 9 hole pitch-n-putt course occasionally and the happiness I see from families that have no idea what they are doing from a golf perspective is something to appreciate.
Good luck today! go out have fun and it will come together for you.
Good luck dude. That really is an odd system. Good thing they don't have it here. I never would have started golfing.
Wow, what an interesting process. Best of luck, looking forward to hearing how everything goes!
Good luck! And I agree, I think a two-tiered version of it should be here in the states. Two out of my last three rounds have been 5-6 hours, and I'm tired of it!
Good luck to you, hope its a good day and you do well. I see merit's in that system, but there needs to be more of a draw for people to go through it. I would like to see the courses here just incorporate something like that into part of the joining process. That wouldn't solve the problems of walk on players at open courses, but would be a start.
Good luck man, hope it goes well for you. I'd love to see the rules and etiquette test implemented here.
Best of luck to you. I wish we had a system like that here.

I wish we had it here too. Good luck!
Good luck today. I'd like to see a testing system like this here. Etiquette is severely lacking too often.
Best of luck to you. I wish we had a system like that here.
No. Would just keep people away from golf. The only way in which this would be far would be if you were to join a private fancy country club and planned to golf. But what if the man who joined the CC wanted to teach his son to golf but his son couldn't shoot 30 on 6holes. How would he learn? Its a terrible idea. Etiquette would be nice but shouldn't be required.

Best of Luck on your test!!
This is a terrible system. Thank God we don't have anything similar here.

Good luck to you. Relax, hit them straight and avoid big numbers, and you'll be fine.
No. Would just keep people away from golf. The only way in which this would be far would be if you were to join a private fancy country club and planned to golf. But what if the man who joined the CC wanted to teach his son to golf but his son couldn't shoot 30 on 6holes. How would he learn? Its a terrible idea. Etiquette would be nice but shouldn't be required.

Best of Luck on your test!!

The test isn't about skill level, methinks, it's about general golf etiquette...repairing divots and ball marks, not stepping on another persons line on the green, calling faster players through whenever possible, etc. That should be emphasized more here, I think. I liked another persons idea earlier - have some of the nicer courses require the etiquette test, and there would still be many courses that an average Joe and family can still play without requiring said test. It isn't about what you shoot, it's about how you act.
wow good luck thats actually a great system they have there. i bet the pace of play is a lot faster than it is here most of the time.