Choose One: All Other Oreos Go Away Forever

Birthday Cake stays
You can choose any one of these four, or the original Oreo.

All others go away forever.

If you are going to say “they can all go” or “diabetes” or fill in the blank other nonsense, we know. Save it.

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Brookie-o wins (though if original was on here it would win for me)
I've had the birthday cake and those are a little too rich for me, I've had the java chip and think I'll pass on getting those again, toffee sounds by default the winner is brookie-o even though I've never seen that one
I’ll just take the OG
Original, but only because double stuff wasn't an option.
I guess I would go original, I have never had any of the other flavors but the brookie o looks tasty, I have had the new blizzard of that and it was delicious.
Original because it is the only one I have tried from the list. But if I had two packages sitting on the table of original and Brookie-o, I am grabbing the brookie to try before the original
Double Stuff for me
Dipped in Sour Cream for the Cheesecake effect
As far as I’m concerned, give me the Original Orea and all other cookies period can go away
I’ve never had anything other than the original Oreo’s ( “Theyre great when you dunk ‘em” ) but the Toffee Crunch sounds interesting. Toss the rest.
That’s what I was thinking.
I am keeping the original over those 4.
Why can’t have chocolate covered Oreos Instead?
Original and it's not even close for me.
Keep the original. Everything else is just trying to better something that is already perfect.
I'd keep Java Chip
Original, but if I had to pick from the four, toffee crunch looks the most intriguing.
Original stays
I am curious to try some of these, but I would keep the original. I doubt I would think I was eating anything close to a brownie or taste the coffee flavoring in those specialty types. I'll make those go away and keep the traditional.
Out of those nasty choices, the birthday cake is the only one that seems palatable.

I don't think "original" is a choice, but if we get to choose from traditionals, Double Stuff is the only correct choice.
Birthday cake
Birthday cake stays ..
Original. The birthday cake one was gross.

the only other flavors I have liked were mint and golden.