Call of Duty Fans

I'd probably get black ops if I had more people to play with, right now I only have 2 friends on PSN.
I have it on Xbox and play frequently. If anyone wants to play with me, my GT is: ObstinateDuck

Send me a msg saying you are from THP so I dont accidentally delete you :D
I'd probably get black ops if I had more people to play with, right now I only have 2 friends on PSN.

I have 0 friends on there. But I dont really play enough...I would like to
Still haven't upgraded to Black Ops. Looking to soon. My Gamertag (or whatever it's called) is clintk55 on xbox live.
I play way to much blops on the 360, rented Homefront the other day and was very impressed. Feels like a cross between COD and Battlefield Bad Company to me. I kinda like mw2 better than blops though. The new demo video for BBC3 is out and it looks amazing. I will definitely pick that up when it comes out.
I'm a big fan of the maps on Black Ops. I've been playing really well lately so I've been on a lot here in the last little bit. I like the closer quarters maps, but probably my top 3 are Nuketown, Firing Range, and Summit not necisarily in that order. :D

I'm on XBOX, JRoss2012 is the tag. And those are my favorite maps as well. I play with the Famas a lot, or the Stoner. I got really good at it, but I've barely been playing and have slacked off really bad.
I'm on XBOX, JRoss2012 is the tag. And those are my favorite maps as well. I play with the Famas a lot, or the Stoner. I got really good at it, but I've barely been playing and have slacked off really bad.

I play with the famas too. I also play inverted. I usually play under JRoss2012 guest lol
I'm on XBOX, JRoss2012 is the tag. And those are my favorite maps as well. I play with the Famas a lot, or the Stoner. I got really good at it, but I've barely been playing and have slacked off really bad.

Can't really play with the Famas, I guess it doesn't fit my game style. Right now i'm either playing with the AK74u, Galil, AUG, or Stakeout. I like to switch guns up a lot. I feel it keeps it more interesting haha. I'm Lukey719 on XboxLive if yall wanna add me.
The Famas is my favorite gun right now along with the AK74u. My gamer tag is Eminentshogun29
I'm on Xbox
I'm on PS3. My username is ProtestTheDay. My favorite weapon to use is the AK74u with rapid fire and I really only play search.
I played yesterday for the 1st time in a while on Black Ops and played great! I love killing people on that game haha :D
I had my best game ever actually started out 28-0 got my spy plane, chopper gunner, and attack dogs! I ended the Domination game at Summit 34-2. Can anyone beat that? Let's hear about your best games. :D