Are You Happy With Your Swing?


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2023
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Mainly talking about irons. Say on a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 being very happily satisfied. I am just curious with my first lesson (in a very long time) coming up next Friday. I am not sure how many others out there think like me, or at one time, think like I do in relation to the golf swing. I see it as this impossible thing. You know, grip in the fingers, not the palms. Turn here first, hinge wrists now, no wait hinge now, wait okay now hinge. Maintain the magic triangle. Fire with the hips, don't raise your head up, make a swing and don't worry about the ball. The ball just gets in the way. Hit ball first then the ground. That's a lot for a dude that wants it to be basic. I know golf is anything but basic. At this point now, I just want to stop hitting ground balls and/or chunking it so badly my 8 iron looks like I have a cow patty covering it. So, once again, how happy are you with your swing?
For the first time in a long time, I can confidently answer yes. I've put in a ton of work and I'm loving where its at right now.

I'm just trying to add a bit of speed.
I'm at about an 8 because I know there's room for improvement but it's better than the 4 I was at before.
I’ll say 8. Second round with my irons and I hit over 50% GIR with them. Can’t be mad about that
I'd say a 8 but haven't even played outside over 4 months so SIM golf not a great indicator IMO.
Right now maybe a 4 or 5. Not sure what’s going on with my swing right now.
No I am not. My backswing is way too short which is caused by technique and not being flexible and this results in me hitting the ball very short. Working on both with lessons and the gym and stretching. I think I have some distance game right there with some work.
Andy Richter GIF by Team Coco
I see it as this impossible thing.
I used to feel that way.

You know, grip in the fingers, not the palms. Turn here first, hinge wrists now, no wait hinge now, wait okay now hinge. Maintain the magic triangle. Fire with the hips, don't raise your head up, make a swing and don't worry about the ball. The ball just gets in the way. Hit ball first then the ground.
The trick, or one trick, anyway, is to learn it in pieces, then stitch those pieces together. You start with setup, then learn grip, take-away, back-swing, transition, shallowing, pivot-down and down-swing, then finish (follow-through). Each bit is built upon the top of the previous bits.

At each step you do hundreds or thousands of repetitions of what you're training, until it's ingrained. Once that's achieved you don't have to think about it anymore. It has become what you do naturally.

I'm exceedingly un-athletic, have at times grown frustrated with the process and stopped training, given up the idea of golf altogether, have gone in wrong directions and had to start over several times, etc. Plus I was not just training a swing, but de-training an old swing--a swing that had every flaw in the book. So it's taken me a lot longer than I imagine it would for the vast majority of golfers.

I think I may finally be developing a swing I can trust and, the hope is, will be relatively repeatable.
I’m quite happy with my swing. Still making adjustments with irons but it’s more about establishing consistency than trying to figure things out. The driver swing and even my 3W swing feel effortless and chipping has never been better
About as happy as I am with my slow foxtrot, which is to say not at all.......:)

Really, I work very hard on my irons. I have taken lessons and spent a lot of time on both the course and range, although I have concentrated more on course because I don't like hitting off mats. I am old, short (both in stature and in golf distance) and, although I work out regularly, am not very flexible. But if there's one thing I want to accomplish is NOT TO HIT BEHIND THE BALL. I can tolerate almost anything else but hitting fat enrages me (I keep it under control, however, have only broken one club so far). If I can learn to hear ball before ground (or mat) then I think I can be happy.

As an effort in that direction I decided to take the ol' GolfTec $95 swing evaluation. I know it's probably 50% lesson and 50% sales pitch, but I don't think I have much to lose. Even though it's off mats with a teacher there I'll at least have someone who can tell me if I'm actually hitting behind the ball or not. The appointment process was a clusterf**k, but now the appointment seems to be set for a couple of weeks hence.

We'll see.
Meh sometimes. I think it could be better
I was.... then I changed my grip, and cannot hit the ball to save my life now.

Gradually working back to "terrible". Soon hopefully "mediocre" and "acceptable".
I'm pretty happy with my swing.... especially my irons. No hitches, violent lunges or anything unconventional about it. Is it perfect? No, but it IS consistent, repeatable and really hasn't changed much over the years. I simply don't play enough to be as sharp as i would like with any of my clubs. :(
Hell no. A 3 on a good day. Until I start ball-striking like scottie I will not be happy.
Yes, it's not perfect and somewhat ugly but i know exactly what i'm doing and it produces repeatable results. I'm very happy with it
Yes, it's not perfect and somewhat ugly but i know exactly what i'm doing and it produces repeatable results.
That's the important part, really: That you can depend upon what your swing will do from swing-to-swing or game-to-game. You can always employ course management skills to work around its inadequacies. I didn't have that. I could not depend upon my swing producing even remotely repeatable results.
Happy with the swing, unhappy with the inconsistency in reproducing it.
That's the important part, really: That you can depend upon what your swing will do from swing-to-swing or game-to-game. You can always employ course management skills to work around its inadequacies. I didn't have that. I could not depend upon my swing producing even remotely repeatable results.

Yeah it's really what golf is about, having a general idea what the ball is gonna do, and if doesn't...why didn't it?

I hit a draw, when the ball doesn't draw i typically know why

My swing now is less aesthetic then it was 10 years ago, but i'm a better player. I've posted my swing, but it's kinda ugly. The top of my backswing looks odd and my clubhead crosses the plane a bit and is pointed wrong

But i can hit very consistent draws

Robert Downey Jr Yes GIF
I'm more accepting of it than happy with it.
For the first time in a long time, I can say yes. It finally feels like I know what I'm doing.

I basically went for a rebuild last fall. I spent like a month hitting nothing but chip shots off a range mat. Just taking the smallest swing I could, on the best lie I could, with the shortest club I could, until I got nice, clicky compression about 9 out of 10 times.

Then I lengthened that to pitch shots. That was pretty easy.

Irons were still screwing me... every shot less than a hip-high backswing was stamped, above that was just chicken-winged and gone to hell. Then about a week ago, I tried going to a wider stance to stop swaying, and that's already helped a ton.

The goal now is to hit 3/4 iron shots until I get nice clicky compression 9 out of 10 times. That will take a couple more months, at least. The path forward from there is hybrid and driver.

So yeah. I like where I'm at on this road, and I can see where I am going.
I would say an 8. But I am also realistic about what good is for my handicap.

As far as just hitting a stock shot with solid contact, irons are probably the better part of my game. There is little/no curvature either way and hit a good height/distance for my age/handicap.

It is caveman golf compared to a skilled golfer who can work the ball in both directions, or manipulate height, easily, or of a variety of creative shots. But it is enough to have me play better golf than my handicap.