Are You Getting Better?

Not as much as I have been hoping. Swing is decent but putting is killing my scores
Focusing on tempo for a more repeatable, controlled swing, and taking divots with irons and not losing/gaining a little distance has ball striking at the top of the list of "most improved"
Game is getting better. Think I’m headed in the right direction with driver. Iron play is improving and wedge play has been good of late. Range and practice area plus the amount of time on the course has been beneficial.
Some areas yes, other areas no.

Overall treading water.

pretty much my thoughts about my own game. no doubt there are aspects of my swing that look so much better than they ever have. i'm also faster than i've ever been. every now and then some bizarre swing compensation pops up that we have to squash down. and short game is still a problem, though improving. ultimately my scores look the same as they have for many years.
I think I am at an age where better is really not much of an option. It is kind of a maintain for as long as I can type deal at this point.

Plus, it seems that my time is getting to be less and less mine..
Personally, I don't think my swing is getting better or worse for that matter, but I do believe after 30 years of playing that my mental game is better. Specifically course management along with identifying cause and effect of my swing both good and bad. Usually my scores are a reflection of how my putting was that day and if I stay away from trouble and penalty areas on the course. Learning to hit my irons and wedges to specific distances rather than max distance has also been huge for scoring better for ME at least.
Better? Yes. Happy? No lol. I have a lot of room for improvement. I'm a little disappointed that it took me till late June to get lessons and improve my swing but it's better late than never. My main focus is accuracy right now and I'm learning about what my body is doing wrong when I hit a bad shot so I know what I need to do different. The problem is just doing it.. the same.. every time.
My swing has gotten way better, my scores are not. I am adjusting to the distance gains and my approach game is a little scrappy. I also have not quite got my short game touch down from the changes and my putting is hot garbage right now. The short game is coming around and I am currently focused on the putting.

Last night I had a perfect illustration of what I’m dealing with. After starting bogey-par-par and crushing one down the middle on a short par 5 I had 205 yards to a green about 15’ above my ball. I pulled out my Apex UW and caught one absolutely flush and ended up 20 yards past the green even further up the hill and had an impossible pitch shot. Last year I couldn’t hit a driver 230 yards and last night I hit a 19* UW that far off the ground. I ended up pitching it over the green again, then duffed my chip, then finally got on and 2 putted for a 7.

Hence my adjustment thread.
I will add that I'm always late to the party when it comes to technology, but investing in a rangefinder has done wonders for my scores. Most courses around me have minimal distance markings. Usually 200,150,100 yard markers measured to center of green.(allegedly) Knowing carry distances and hazard distances has helped a lot in dialing in club selection. Aim small, miss small!
No, to put it bluntly. Age does take it's toll, was hoping to get more consistent but don't seem to be doing that either. Played decently Monday and not good at all yesterday. One of those "at least I was able to play" days. Better than the alternative.
Yes, I think I am.
I'm 63, so my swing is what it is at this point. It seems as though my mental game is better though. I work more on my fundamentals (grip, stance, setup etc.) and that seems to help my overall game more than anything.

Am I getting better? Most days yes, but I still occasionally have a stretch when it seems like i've never played the game before....who hasn't??
At this point scores have not started dropping regularly, but my swing is light years better than it was. In the past I have dreaded putting driver in my hand, no I am jonesing to hit it.
After taking 8 or 9 years completely off of golf I can't really gauge where I'm at. I stopped because I had 2 kids and my game completely fell off the rails. I've got in about 4 rounds this year hitting in the mid to high 80's so I guess I'll start tracking from that. I can say one thing that has changed for the better. I now have a very natural inside out swing which I used to struggle with.
Nope. My handicap is up a couple of points this year (so far) and not trending in the right direction.
I have less and less time to swing a club, due to my work responsibilities. It's frustrating and more than a little discouraging.
I would say yes. I doubt you'd recognize my game from when we were at ballyhack.
For now, the peak of my golfing career is behind me. I am content with that. Still love the grind, but once you know what it takes to get there, you also realize it may not be obtainable to get back when priorities in life change.
I feel that I am on the edge of a breakthrough, as seems to happen during the summer once I've worked the cobwebs out. I was looking at my handicap the other day, and it is basically where it was at the same time last year. Just need to string some good golf together and that will drop.
Nope. My golf game has definitely taken a downturn over the past couple months, and I attribute it to one of my current medications that has zapped the life out of me. I have a few more months remaining on this stuff, so I just have to somehow get through this lull. On the bright side, this medication has helped me drop 30 lbs. in three months.
Scores have been slowly dropping, and for awhile I felt like my swing was getting much better. Last few weeks I've kind of hit a plateau and some days I feel like I'm really dialed in, and then other days I feel like I can't do anything right and the swing is all over the place.
Slowly, yes, i do think so.
Yes I am definitely getting better. Whenever I make a real effort to get better I do, but is not that hard to get better when you were as bad as I was.
I went from shooting 130-140 when I started to consistently breaking 100 to consistently breaking 90 to now shooting in the mid to upper 80s.
Im almost where I want to be. I never thought I would ever be a scratch golfer, but would love to be under 10 handicap.
At the rate Im going I think I will get there. I'm fighting injury, age, and getting a late start to golf, but the desire is strong.
I finish 2 months of lessons in 2 weeks, get fitted, then Im hitting the courses for 10 rounds to see where Im at.
There have been a lot of ups and downs, but Im excited about my golfing future.
I think so - at a soon to be 77 yr old... I am playing better golf than I ever had -- and amazingly I am hitting the ball further than I did 2 years ago. I have shot under my age so often that I dont even think it is a big deal.(y)(y)
I'm not.

I've hit a wall and am not sure how to clear it. The instructor that I see likes my move on the driving range, I hit fine shots a lot of the time, but too often something changes while out on the course. I just have no distance and I tend to make loose swings here and there that get me in trouble. That combined with my putting kill me. I am taking an aimpoint class here in July to try to help with the putting.

Will try to do a playing lesson with my instructor sometime and see what he says, but for now trying to enjoy the time and not worry about it.

I also wanted to add that I have recently signed up for Decade golf. Maybe I just really suck at course management and thinking my way around a course....totally possible.