Are spiked shoes necessary anymore?


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Albatross 2024 Club
Staff member
Jan 20, 2010
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There may be another thread, I don’t care, we are starting a new one 🤣🤣🤣

Are spiked golf shoes even necessary anymore for us mortals? Or are they strictly tradition driven like white golf balls?
I havent owned a pair of spiked shoes since 2012.

Give me spikeless and yellow balls every day!
I still wear mine a lot - is it needed? Who knows, but I still have them and they are comfortable.
I love spikeless shoes

(and yellow balls if we are going there...)
I think spikes still have their place. If it’s going to be a wet day I’ll wear them. I’ve had several slips in spikeless
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My answer is HELL no they’re not. Do I have some? Yes, but they’re pretty and bright. Spikeless I can get the same damn traction and more comfort.
I only wear spikeless

For others? I think so? Maybe they are more helpful on the concrete steps on a rainy day for them or some other legitimate safety reason.
I have both. On the weekends we get out early when there is dew on rhe ground and tees. I like the soft spikes . Wet conditions as well. Spike-less are great when it is dry and nice out.
They've never been necessary for my swing.

What is necessary is a properly-fitting, stable shoe with some support. For years that meant almost always ending up with "Soft Spikes" but nowadays there are proper golf shoes with lug soles everywhere you look. Never buying "Soft Spikes" again.
I don't own any of them anymore, so I'm going with a big fat no sir they are not necessary.
Metal Spikes need to go the way of the dodo bird. Plastic spikes I think are needed in some conditions especially in wet conditions or similar.
Yes, because my footwork sucks.
I keep a pair for just horribly soggy conditions, but thats it.
I'm a soft spikes guy... I don't see that changing.
I still like wearing spiked (soft spiked) shoes on wet/slippery days. I still think they provide better grip in those instances
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I still like wearing spiked (soft spiked) shoes on wet/slippery days. I still think they provide better grip in those instances
I think that depends on the soft spike pattern, no?
The "spikeless" a lot of us play in now - Phantomcats, Alphacat, ProSL, various adidas, etc, for example - are molded "spikes" or nubs. So, for me, I say no. If you're talking the Puma Fusion Classic or something not nearly as aggressive as the molded nubs on most all spikeless shoes, I'd say yes. Yes, being soft spikes, not metal. Metal should be gone.
I think that depends on the soft spike pattern, no?
Maybe? PhantomCat by Puma has a pretty agressive pattern but I haven't tried them other than at the store. Others I have seen plenty of guys slip in those type of conditions.
Not with my speed ...
Maybe? PhantomCat by Puma has a pretty agressive pattern but I haven't tried them other than at the store. Others I have seen plenty of guys slip in those type of conditions.
Is that conditions, or clumsiness?