Any Toyota/Lexus Die-Hards Here?


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2018
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Cincy Metro
We have 5 drivers in my house and now I own 6 toyota products! I've come to the realization that I'd never own another brand. We keep vehicles +10 years and these hold up with reasonable number of repairs. Age is the biggest enemy of a Toyota/Lexus not miles. Over my 40 years of driving each time I own something other then a Toyota and keep it past 10 years I so regret it. Now, the used costs of these things indicates that many know about the reliability.

I've not ventured into the turbocharged/hybrid space with Toyota yet but based on history I expect they stick the landing. I guess time with tell the real story.

anyone else come to this conclusion?
Not sure a die-hard but I honestly can’t remember us not owning 2 at all times. My first car was a Tercel and I loved it.
We are mostly the same way with Honda/Acura (3 currently in the household; plus 1 previous car). We’ve got a slight course deviation going … also own an Explorer.
I had a Tacoma a few years back, loved it, never a problem. Only Toyota I ever owned, though. I would own another.
My wife is a convert, for sure. She's got an AWD 23 RAV4 and I'm not sure she'll ever buy another brand. She loves it (especially in the winter).
as a Dad with young people who need to get to work or tell me they are driving to florida for spring break, I get stressed over car dependability. as a Dad who likes to go to florida and fish, you never want to hear my car won't start from a daughter when you are 1000 miles away
Not a die hard but have had my Tacoma for 6 years.
My wife is a convert, for sure. She's got an AWD 23 RAV4 and I'm not sure she'll ever buy another brand. She loves it (especially in the winter).

I've got a 2022 awd product and i was driving to work in early January on dark roads and started to hydroplane. Before I could even let off the gas, the power had be diverted to the rear wheels. When I realized the car was faster then my brain, I was like wow. Need my young drivers to have this saftey feature.
I have a Highlander that has been nothing but issues. Bought it new in 2019.
as a Dad with young people who need to get to work or tell me they are driving to florida for spring break, I get stressed over car dependability. as a Dad who likes to go to florida and fish, you never want to hear my car won't start from a daughter when you are 1000 miles away
Same here. My daughter also has a RAV4. Before that she owned a Fiat 500 and whenever she took a road trip, it made me nervous as hell. I don't even worry about it anymore (at least from a reliability standpoint).
as a Dad with young people who need to get to work or tell me they are driving to florida for spring break, I get stressed over car dependability. as a Dad who likes to go to florida and fish, you never want to hear my car won't start from a daughter when you are 1000 miles away
This hits really close to home this week. We were away this week This was an actual excerpt from my text with my daughter on Wednesday from home. She had the other car. Not the Toyota.
She handled it, but my goodness.
at year 15, I have hope for you:)
Nice! How many miles you got on it? My previous vehicle I kept for 9 years and had just 189k on her.
I have a Highlander that has been nothing but issues. Bought it new in 2019.

I believe you but I can't concieve of this. My father has a 2015, best friend a 2016, and I have the 2022. no one has had a single issue yet.
Nice! How many miles you got on it? My previous vehicle I kept for 9 years and had just 189k on her.

We had an 05 sienna with 180k miles, well maintainted, but I wanted something newer that would act a a large tow vehicle. I was going to give it away on trade. My dad said no, he took it and put 2k in preventitive maintance in it and gave it to a needy relative. told her to drive it like it was brand new.

i've got a 2013 RX350 my daughter drives with 174k, runs and drives like a dream. 350k would be well within the potential of this vehicle if dry rot related to age does not make it too expensive

pro tip- buy used Lexus products. The owners often don't drive them, they over service them and they are built like tanks. Further, I don't see Lexus dealers are trying to make great margin on used cars. Look at the car-fax. The pattern I am describing becomes clear pretty quick on a number of online sale vehicles.
I believe you but I can't concieve of this. My father has a 2015, best friend a 2016, and I have the 2022. no one has had a single issue yet.
I know, which is what makes it worse. Everyone else seems to have good luck and I have never had another vehicle with these kinds of problems. Just bad luck, it happens.
They do turbos really well. See the 96 Supra range. Its not new to them, the market calls for it now is all. I suspect in time on the gas engines it will change back to naturally aspirated. I've owned a couple Tacomas. They haven't been the best overall trucks I've owned but can't beat the durability resale.
I'm a Ford guy right now because I can't beat the pricing I get (family member works for Ford) and I needed a 3/4 ton truck for towing, but if I was buying all on my own dime I'd 100% be Toyota. I've owned 4 of them and they've been the most trouble free, bulletproof cars I've ever owned. My wife is currently driving a Lexus and it's been solid for us also.
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My family has had 5 Mazda CX-5's and a Mazda Miata. My one and only Toyota was a maroon colored 1984 Supra V6 manual transmission sports car.
spent almost two decades driving Toyota pickups. had a celica as a teenager and wife currently drives a sequoia.

that said the new Tundra lost me forever. tried to buy the last of the v8s when the new turbo 6 model was introduced but dealers figured the game out quickly and were not willing to deal on them at all when I was looking.
I suspect in 10 years the v6 turbo is legend but I’m like you. Recently added a v8 sequoia
I am on my second Lexus SUV since 2000 and my wife also on her second Lexus since 2008. All four (4) vehicles performed and continue to perform flawlessly. Will stick with Lexus/Toyota going forward.

In between I owned a BMW for a couple of years until engine exploded at 66K miles. Almost $30K for new rebuilt engine which BMW paid just over 50%. The portion I paid for (just outside of warranty) I am hoping to recover via class action lawsuit but has been going on for almost 5 years.
I'm 42 and every single car I've ever owned is a Toyota. I've owned 3 corollas, a matrix, a Camry, a RAV4 TRD and a Tacoma TRD Pro.

My next car will be a Land cruiser or a Lexus GX.

I'll never buy another brand.