Accused of stealing today!

last month I was playing with myself and I joined up with a twosome. Two holes later they're getting into a fight with the foursome in front of us. The foursome is eyeing me up like I'm a threat as well.
I teed off, said "i'm playing through" left all 6 of them to beat each other up.

Dang Snap! Don't make it so obvious dude :eek:).......
I think it's funny the two guys thought their ball was 50 yards further than it actually was. LOL.
man someone stole my ball about 7 times this saturday.I didn't catch em cause the rough the balls landed in was too high or the woods they landed in where too thick.

That had to be at Painted Hills!
We have a couple creeks where we play where guys hide inside the hazard line and come out grab your ball and take it into the hazard. Sounds like you're dealing with the same kind of behavior.



I just LOL'd at that. For well over a minute.
So thats what happens to all my errant shots,here I am wasting my time looking everywhere and come to find out someone must be taking them.
I have some empathy for the comment about keeping the ball in your fairway. Before I got my driver fitted, I ran into a spat of slicing my drives. Even though I mark my balls, I had a couple of instances of guys walking up to my ball and playing it before I could say anything or get to it. I dropped another and moved on. I hate losing a ball that way but the alternative is holding up those behind because it would not have been easy to make my way over to the folks that had my ball and then go through whatever to get it back. I eventually stopped using my driver until I could get fitted which stopped the slicing. Really I stopped using the driver more because the slicing got real bad and I was concerned first with the possibility of hitting someone and then because I did not want to always be going right after my ball and slowing play. It did strike me as odd how little time the people that got my ball took before just hacking away at it. In both instances I could see from a distance that they never did more than look down at it, grab a club and swing.
I can understand how having you integrity questioned can be very upsetting. I would be [expletive deleted] angry. If you play a Chromax golf ball there is no way anyone can say it is their golf ball. :)
my home course is house/neighborhood free... one of the very few nowadays
but it does border the navy housing on #9
before they built a huge fence on that side the kids would wait in the woods and run onto the fw's grab balls and run back into the navy housing... hahaha
that all stopped when a few of our members (who happen to be cops) rolled thru the neighborhood and saw a lemonade type stand but the kids were selling golf balls... lol
So thats what happens to all my errant shots,here I am wasting my time looking everywhere and come to find out someone must be taking them.

hahaha, exactly!
That sucks. I've never had anyone accuse me of taking their ball... probably because I'm bigger than most.

I can't say I haven't thought someone picked up my ball but I've never gone up to them and accused them of the action. I have even seen people do it and I don't get flustered because I feel they must need it more than me if they're picking up every errant ball they run across.