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  1. robrandalgz

    What's your low rent guilty pleasures

    Growing up (being raised by a single mom), we didn't have a ton of money. So, we ate a lot of food that was, for lack of a better term, "cheap". As an adult I don't struggle like my mother did but there's still some of those foods that I actually still enjoy (probably more out of nostalgia than...
  2. robrandalgz

    RIP Richard Lewis :(
  3. robrandalgz

    Thank you

    It's Thanksgiving and, obviously, a day for the things that we are thankful for. Oddly, the day is often devoid of the words "Thank you". So I just wanted to take a second to actually thank all of you. This is a special place and I just wanted to thank all of you for the escape. It's much...
  4. robrandalgz

    Who Have You Met?

    So a lot of us have been around these parts for a while. And, also, a lot of us have been fortunate enough to meet other THPers either at an official event or an unofficial gathering. After reading through the Morgan Cup thread, I realized how many people that I had actually met that were in the...
  5. robrandalgz

    Taco Bell Mexican Pizza sucks.......

    I didn't think that thee would be anything on their menu that would be less satisfying than their tacos but I got a combo today with the Mexican Pizza and two tacos (the only place that was remotely close to where I was working) and I should have avoided that whole meal altogether. Absolutely...
  6. robrandalgz

    Meridian Putters

    Anyone have any experience with these. I could have sworn that I saw something about them here but it may have been The Par Train that I heard about them. They seem pretty cool and a decent deal, also. Meridian Putters
  7. robrandalgz

    You can't pick your own......

    What sports franchise and fan base are you rooting for this year? (Again, you can't pick your own) I'm going with Detroit Lions (until/unless they play Dallas in a meaningful game). I have a ton of respect for the REAL fans of that team (f*** any and all band wagon fans of any team). Go!
  8. robrandalgz

    If there's one club in your bag that you had to keep forever............

    What would it be and why? For me, right now, it would be my Callaway 3H X2 Hot Pro. I've tried twice to kick it out of the bag and I just can't seem to do it. I've almost given up on the idea and I'll just stick with it.........forever.
  9. robrandalgz

    Hidden gems

    Inspired by the "Best Course You've Played In Your Life" thread. What are some lesser known or relatively unknown spectacular courses you've played that you'd like to show off to some of your golf buddies? I'll start Pete Dye River Course Radford, VA Torreon Golf Club Show Low, AZ Bison Golf...
  10. robrandalgz

    Jack in the Box Tacos

    They're better than Taco Bell Tacos..... Come at me, bros................
  11. robrandalgz

    Is there any juice without the squeeze?

    Going through the ego thread, for some reason, brought this thought to mind (and I'm sure there's been similar threads) but does golf become more fun or make you more focused if there's something on the line? It doesn't have to be big. Maybe the post round drink, or lunch? Maybe 10 bucks? Hell...
  12. robrandalgz

    Do I do something vomit inducing/drastic?

    So, my putting isn't TERRIBLE but it's not where it used to be, for me. Now this COULD be a bit of winter layoff but it wasn't where I like it at the end of last season either. I typically set up to the ball with quite a bit of confidence and unconsciousness. For a while now, I've been fidgety...
  13. robrandalgz

    What are your favorite sounds (non golf related)?

    I love the sound of running water. Another that I realized this morning: My wife laughing. There's nothing distinctive about her laugh. I just love that she's laughing.
  14. robrandalgz

    If you have to pick a single cheese for grilled cheese.......

    Meaning you can't mix another cheese, I'm going Havarti. Just had a grilled Havarti cheese sandwich with some Chicken Corn Chowder. Absolutely fantastic. What's your go to?
  15. robrandalgz

    I'm super excited about one of the dumbest things

    I'm fervently tracking an order from Hillshire Farms for three incoming bottles of Cranberry Mustard for my Thanksgiving leftovers. I'm officially old.....:LOL:
  16. robrandalgz

    Well this is...interesting

    My wife just showed up with a couple of samples from work. The egg nog is interesting but the whiskey in a mini can.....? Instant golf bag companion.
  17. robrandalgz


    O.K., so I tried it. Got the Italian Beef and Hot Dog just to give it a fair shake. Verdict? Vastly overrated. Cake shake is good and I like the cheese sauce to dip my fries in. Otherwise? Meh. Maybe it's just this location (that can certainly be a thing). Everything was just soggy and bland...
  18. robrandalgz

    How much did your Hole in One cost you

    We all know the tradition of buying the round for the bar after a HOI (bullsh!t tradition if you ask me). The question is simple. How much did it cost you at the end of your round. I'll start: $10.00. By the time our round ended the bar was empty so all I had to buy for was my partner. He had a...