What are you snacking on?

I was standing at the deli counter yesterday pondering what to buy and thinking of you. This is scary on so many levels.
I should get you a WWGD bracelet, bacon colored of course.
I just had a grapefruit.
::waving hand wildly::

Me too, me too!
Confetti cake with strawberry frosting!
girl scout mint cookies.
Wheat Thins.
Chinese pastry!

Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab
Confetti cupcake with strawberry frosting!!
I'm snacking on a protein bar and wish it was bacon.
Hell On The Red Salsa and tortilla chips.

By far the single greatest salsa I have ever had that comes from a jar, un-be-leivable.
Chipotle chips and Green chili salsa. My nose is no longer stuffed up.
Had some Wheat Thins earlier.
Most people fail to realize that bacon is it's own food group.

I believe it, heck its part of the USDA's food pyramid. I think its right on top.