My Golf Journey for 2010

Diane, take anything this Kevin character has to say with a grain of salt. I don't trust him.

Let's not forget Claire is going the Golf Tec route, too. This place is a Golf Tec hot bed.


You're giving away my secrets! And how did you know that, anyway? Not from me!
You're giving away my secrets! And how did you know that, anyway? Not from me!

Yes from you - you posted about it right after you received your gift.
Yes from you - you posted about it right after you received your gift.

Really? So much for MY short-term memory. I thought I was going to stay quiet until I went.

Anyway, back to your journey.
Really? So much for MY short-term memory. I thought I was going to stay quiet until I went.

Anyway, back to your journey.

We'll wait to hear about yours as well.
You're giving away my secrets! And how did you know that, anyway? Not from me!

Yes from you - you posted about it right after you received your gift.

Really? So much for MY short-term memory. I thought I was going to stay quiet until I went.

Anyway, back to your journey.

Yep, right here!

I decided to suck it up and try GolfTec. Got a gift certificate for Christmas. It sounds like such a copout, but I'm not a feel player. I need the video and the analytics.

Of course, I had to wipe out on my shoulder today. Right now, even the thought of swinging a club really hurts.
You're a prince, Smallie!


I don't give away secrets. I thought when you posted something on the Internet it became public domain.

If you wish, I shan't mention it again.

Good luck Diane, Mo and Claire...did I miss anyone? This should be quite fun hearing the progress report. I took lessons many years ago from a young guy who was working towards the pro's. I've since lost track of him, but he had me playing the best golf of my life before he moved on. I've forgotten most of what he taught me now and can only hope to find someone half as good here.

Good luck in 2010!
Will be watching this thread closely. Being that I'm a new golfer I've been keeping track of my journey into the sport on a personal level keeping notes etc. Will be interesting to see how another persons journey works out.

Good luck to you
Diane's Golf Goals

Diane's Golf Goals

In an effort to keep me honest, I'm going to share all my goals. The more witnesses the better.

1. Establish a sound grip and stance
2. Consistently have my wrists in the right position on my backswing
3. Extend my arms on my follow-through so the ball doesn’t go so far left
4. Learn to keep my eye on the ball – keep my head down
5. Learn to execute a chip from greenside rough so that it doesn’t go two feet or over the green
6. Learn to make optimal club selections more routinely
7. Add practice into my golf routine
8. Bring my handicap down from XX to XX

1. Build a basic swing
2. Develop my flexibility and strength
3. Gain distance
4. Get a higher trajectory to clear obstacles
5. Learn to make most putts within 4 feet
6. Learn how to hit out of deep bunkers and fluffy sand
7. Break 100
8. Take ownership of my bad shots and work to improve them rather than ignore them, but don’t stress them

1. Learn to shape basic shots
2. Gain an understanding of stance and setup for every type of shot
3. Play at a level that requires real course management
4. Play bogey golf
In an effort to keep me honest, I'm going to share all my goals. The more witnesses the better.

1. Establish a sound grip and stance
2. Consistently have my wrists in the right position on my backswing
3. Extend my arms on my follow-through so the ball doesn’t go so far left
4. Learn to keep my eye on the ball – keep my head down
5. Learn to execute a chip from greenside rough so that it doesn’t go two feet or over the green
6. Learn to make optimal club selections more routinely
7. Add practice into my golf routine
8. Bring my handicap down from XX to XX

1. Build a basic swing
2. Develop my flexibility and strength
3. Gain distance
4. Get a higher trajectory to clear obstacles
5. Learn to make most putts within 4 feet
6. Learn how to hit out of deep bunkers and fluffy sand
7. Break 100
8. Take ownership of my bad shots and work to improve them rather than ignore them, but don’t stress them

1. Learn to shape basic shots
2. Gain an understanding of stance and setup for every type of shot
3. Play at a level that requires real course management
4. Play bogey golf that all?
Nice list, Cupcake. You're on your way.

Great goals. I like the concept of short, mid and long term goals. Wouldn't, "Add practice into my golf routine" also be a long-term goal since you would need to incorporate that long-term to continue to get better or at least maintain your level of play?
Great goals. I like the concept of short, mid and long term goals. Wouldn't, "Add practice into my golf routine" also be a long-term goal since you would need to incorporate that long-term to continue to get better or at least maintain your level of play?

No - it's something that I need to start sooner than later.
I should probably warn everyone that I'm going to be a bit of a pain in this thread. It's really about me and my serious golf journey. Anyone else can share their journeys, but I'd really like to keep it a bit more about real golf.
I should probably warn everyone that I'm going to be a bit of a pain in this thread. It's really about me and my serious golf journey. Anyone else can share their journeys, but I'd really like to keep it a bit more about real golf.

As you should Diane.

What are the time frames you're shooting for in each of these terms, i.e., what consistutes "short-term" - within the next month?
As you should Diane.

What are the time frames you're shooting for in each of these terms, i.e., what consistutes "short-term" - within the next month?

I don't have set time frames. I'll work on each until I accomplish them.
How about changing your HI goal from XX to X?

In any event, that sounds like very solid plan each building on the other.
I'm posting attainable goals, not fantasy.
You'll do it.Breaking 100 will really get you motivated.Then it will be breaking 90 so on so forth.Good luck on the journey.
Diane knows I think this is a really impressive list of goals.