Suggestion for Ask The Pro forum


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Is there a way to lock threads in the Ask The Pro forum after the original poster has asked a question so that regular members can't mistakenly post?

It seems 95% of threads in that forum have the dreaded "Remember this is the Ask The Pro forum, please let them answer" post from a mod in them.

If you view the boards by using the "home" or "new posts" links, it's easy to forget what forum a thread is in.
Unfortunately there is not a way to do this that we feel comfortable with. We do ask people that if they read a thread that is asking for advice, just glance up and see if it says Ask the Pro.
I rarely do it, but I replied this evening to a question the section. I hate it when it happens. JB, is there any way to maybe make the heading in the forum list a different color or maybe just in bold?