putting with arc stroke


New member
Mar 25, 2011
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I have to admit I miss way too many putts. Not unusual for me to have 36 putts in a round. Rather disgusting! So as a result, I'm a tinkerer and try different ways to putt. Keeping the hands out of the stroke or using some hand action. Eyes over the ball and straight back straight through. Shaft lean or not. All along trying to swing smooth without any yipping.

Lately I've got my eyes well inside the ball, toe up, and swinging with an arc stroke. This seems smoother and less prone to the yips. Also, I seem to see the target better. Anyway, I plan to try this arc stroke out next time out and hope to make more putts.

Do you feel uncomfortable and get the yips with a straight back straight through stroke? Ever try standing further away from the ball and swinging on an arc? Did you feel more comfortable and find you were more successful with an arc stroke?
I stand a bit off the ball because it allows me to see and trust the line I saw from behind the ball. And yes this gives me a slightly bigger arc that if I stand directly over the ball.

All strokes have some level of arc and you really cannot putt SBST unless you manipulate something in your stroke which may make it difficult to repeat.

Based on what I was taught, every posture has an optimal stroke and there is a putter designed to fit that posture. You can start with the putter or you can start with stance. Finding the right combination of choices (putter, stance, sournce of motion will result in a better stroke and better results.

If you want to find out what is best for you, see what enables you to start the ball on your intended line. If you can't do that with any stroke length, you will struggle with putting. Put something like a dime about 16" in front of your ball and roll the ball over the center of the dime using different length strokes. Figure out your miss and work to correct that miss and develop consistency.

Putting is hard and there are many ways to approach getting better