Humbled in Ireland


Active member
Sep 13, 2017
Reaction score
Durango, CO and Scottsdale, AZ
Went on a 15 day (11 days of golf) trip to Ireland, returned this week (with Covid). Index went from 7.0 to 8.3 in 11 rounds of golf. The conditions were abysmal. Temps never got above 60, usually in low 50's. Royal County Down (2 rounds), 30+ mph winds; County Louth 25+mph, rain that felt like ice pellets); Had to quit Ballybunion after 10; couldn't see more than 100 yards due to fog on Old Head. Had to quit Lahinch (25+mph and driving rain) after 10. 2 really nice days at Portrush and Portmarnock.

Needless to say, I was humbled. Completely lost my game and confidence. I'm still recovering from my COVID so I haven't had a chance to redeem myself.

I guess the message is to know what you're getting into. I had no idea of how bad it could be.

Still, fabulous trip with 7 other couples. Great scenery, food, whiskey, beer music. Hotels were awesome.

Has given me a whole new level of respect for the golfers that can play in that stuff.

Probably won't go back in October again.
Hope you get to feeling better.
A lot of guys/gals will never get to make that trip so glad you got the chance
Sounds like an amazing trip! It’s on my bucket list.
Went on a 15 day (11 days of golf) trip to Ireland, returned this week (with Covid). Index went from 7.0 to 8.3 in 11 rounds of golf. The conditions were abysmal. Temps never got above 60, usually in low 50's. Royal County Down (2 rounds), 30+ mph winds; County Louth 25+mph, rain that felt like ice pellets); Had to quit Ballybunion after 10; couldn't see more than 100 yards due to fog on Old Head. Had to quit Lahinch (25+mph and driving rain) after 10. 2 really nice days at Portrush and Portmarnock.

Needless to say, I was humbled. Completely lost my game and confidence. I'm still recovering from my COVID so I haven't had a chance to redeem myself.

I guess the message is to know what you're getting into. I had no idea of how bad it could be.

Still, fabulous trip with 7 other couples. Great scenery, food, whiskey, beer music. Hotels were awesome.

Has given me a whole new level of respect for the golfers that can play in that stuff.

Probably won't go back in October again.

Well a nice trip there....bummer about the weather. Oct, Nov, Dec are 3 of the worst months for Ire. Sep is the best overall.
It was totally an amazing trip. I really had to change my mindset by the end of the trip. I know my expectations were too high going into the trip and it snowballed from there.
Went on a 15 day (11 days of golf) trip to Ireland, returned this week (with Covid). Index went from 7.0 to 8.3 in 11 rounds of golf. The conditions were abysmal. Temps never got above 60, usually in low 50's. Royal County Down (2 rounds), 30+ mph winds; County Louth 25+mph, rain that felt like ice pellets); Had to quit Ballybunion after 10; couldn't see more than 100 yards due to fog on Old Head. Had to quit Lahinch (25+mph and driving rain) after 10. 2 really nice days at Portrush and Portmarnock.

Needless to say, I was humbled. Completely lost my game and confidence. I'm still recovering from my COVID so I haven't had a chance to redeem myself.

I guess the message is to know what you're getting into. I had no idea of how bad it could be.

Still, fabulous trip with 7 other couples. Great scenery, food, whiskey, beer music. Hotels were awesome.

Has given me a whole new level of respect for the golfers that can play in that stuff.

Probably won't go back in October again.
Two weeks in Scotland in August without a drop of rain. Played many that you played last July with only a drizzle a couple days in July. Timing is key and yaneverknow what that will be.
You said it all in your second to last word.


Yep, anything after September in this region of rhe world you are gambling with cold, wet and inhospitable conditions for golf.
Considering the harsh conditions…. I don’t think I’d be all that unhappy with my play, if I were you! Sounds like a great time, despite the weather being a bit sporty!
Let me start by saying someone with Durango and Scottsdale in his profile talking about drinking Whiskey in Ireland has something working well in his life!! Hope you recover soon. Then a couple of days out practicing and you will be fully back. We played our first round of true fall golf last weekend with temps at 53 and the abrupt loss of distance alone I never was able to master on my home course. Throw in wind, rain and championship conditions and I think I'd have gone to the pub if I had someone to join me.
Sounds like typical golf in Ireland in Fall :cool:. I've been there many times as my wife's family lives in NI. Get well soon!
Yeah I've read the shoulder season is hit or miss. Sorry it didn't go as well as you planned. Would be a dream trip for me. Did you have a favorite course?
Yeah I've read the shoulder season is hit or miss. Sorry it didn't go as well as you planned. Would be a dream trip for me. Did you have a favorite course?
From a scenery perspective, Old Head was mind blowing. From a links course perspective, Royal County Down - many blind shots, lots of trouble. But, with the exception of Louth, they were all over the top spectacular.
We were so lucky in June of 2009. We stayed in Killarney for 8 days, striking out to a different course every morning (Old Head, Ballybunion, Tralee, Waterville, Lahinch...). We had a local driver pick us up, and every morning on the way to whatever course we were playing, it rained like Hell and it was COLD!

By some miracle, the clouds parted and the rain stopped right about the time we teed off each day. And sure enough, at the end of each round, the rain would start again. We played the first 2 holes at Waterville in rain, and we played 36 at Ballybunion with 50+mph sustained winds all day long. But other than that, we had nice sunny weather during our rounds with temps in the high 50's to low 70's. But it's always a crap shoot there weatherwise...
Still, fabulous trip with 7 other couples. Great scenery, food, whiskey, beer music. Hotels were awesome.

Has given me a whole new level of respect for the golfers that can play in that stuff.

Probably won't go back in October again.
A fabulous trip and some tough golf. A couple years from now you will have a chance to tell stories about how you survived. Much more interesting than sunny, 70 degrees and a slight breeze. I have a lot of great stories from playing in a typhoon at Spyglass, bad golf and all.

The next trip will have a lot better weather and you will have a great travel AND golf experience.
One day, I'd take just one round, one day. Glad you had fun, get well soon.
Ireland in October is Russian roulette. You were unlucky. But Ireland in the pouring rain is one of the most sociable places in the world, with great breakfasts, beer and whiskey , plus people.
Sounds like a great trip!
Sorry you got sick, Wishing you a speedy recovery.
The closest I will ever get to doing your trip was playing The World Tour in Myrtle beach:LOL: