
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Bath, UK.
Ok, here is my problem....

when i am near the green i just cannot generate the spin needed to make that blasted white ball stop!!! thy hit the green then just roll on like there was no spin at all.

I know the theory, and have no problems with this with full shots. Only less than full shots (short hops over bunkers for example). I use premium balls...currently trying out different ones, but all "spinny" ones. I have a z tp 52* and ARC 56* and 60* wedges. None of them get much/any check.

help please!
thanks in advance

Paul this is one of the hardest shots in golf to play. The biggest thing that factors into this shot is the lie. You need good tight lie in the fairway. If you are trying to hit this shot from the rough to a tight pin the only way to get the ball to stop in a hurry is to use height on your shot to stop it. You have the right clubs and balls to make this shot work so now we need to work on hitting it. I want you to set up like I talked about in THP TV volume 1. It is important to hit this shot crisp and to catch the ball on the swing down and trap the ball between the club and the ground. You don't want to take much or any divot here if possible. If you find yourself taking a divot here you will negate any back spin on a short shot. You want to trap and pick clean this chip/pitch. That is KEY. The other part is you need to accelerate the club through the ball. Now you need to understand that this shot is not going to just hit and stop or hit and backup. What you want this shot to do is take 1 or 2 hops and stop. Spend some time on a practice green trying these different shots. You will get it. This is another good topic for a THP TV episode.
thanks very much for that.
I think one of my BIG problem from that may be that i am often doing these shots from the rough left or right of the green....not from tight lies.

To check my understanding (assuming shot from the fairway).....i need to trap the ball between the ground and club....but not take a divot? - so more of a sweep....but still hitting down on the ball?

also, could you explain how taking a divot on these shots would negate any backspin, i dont understand how ... and i like to know things! :D

Thanks ever so much
If you take a big divot with the touch shots (pitch/chip) the ball has the chance to slide up the face and have less spin on it. This is a shot that you want to "nip" or pick real clean. When JB gets back I think this is a great subject for the next THP TV episode.
Wow....quick response

Thanks for that. I hope it didnt come across as not believing you....I believe very strongly in knowing why you are (or are not) doing something, so have to know details like that so my brain can sus it out!

thanks for your patience with me.
No it is a great question. The cleaner you can pick green side shots the better your control over the spin on the ball. On full swings you can take a pelt and still get some spin, but you will get more if you take a shallow and small divot.
i know that this is resurecting quite an old thread. but i just felt i should let you know how i have gotten on following your advice.

Basically its fantastic. I used to buy premium balls so the spin meant it didnt roll off the back of the green. Now they are hopping and stopping like they should....and on harder greens too, as its only gotten hot over here in the last month. Now i am just readjusting to learn where to land it to account for this.

I have also found (as you said) how important being in the faiway is. i still struggle to stop shots out of the rough, so at the moment play high flighted flops that drop at an angle that prevents huge roll out.

so in short. Thank you very much.It s a huge help and really appreciated. After all you are giving out advice and help for free, so i felt it was important to say thanks!

Thank you for the kind words. I am glad to do what I can. It is great to hear it has helped and it sounds like it is a whole new dimension to you game and that is wonderful. Keep up the good work!