
New member
Nov 29, 2009
Reaction score
I have been hitting fat shots recently where i hit the ground about an inch or so behind the ball. I lose about 15 yards
It doesnt happen every shot, but enough to where it is costing me a few strokes.
I make an effort to follow through on every shot, so I think my weight shift is ok. And when i make my backswing, i pull my left shoulder over my left knee, so i think the backswing is oK

My head moves very little in the backswing (1 or 2 inches) and occassionally a little bit down on the downswing. Could this be part of it?

If not, what could be causing these fat shots? and how could I fix them?

PS- Only on iron and wedge shots.

EDIT= Some thing i noticed playing today was that my clubs would come just short of parallel at the top of the swing, even with driver. Im pretty flexible and i dont think that aspect has gone downhill; typically Im at parallel with irons and a bit past with the woods. I added a little bit of extra wrist hinge to get the parallel back and things turned around a bit. Could it have been that my lack of hinge cause some of these heavy shots?
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The biggest thing to look at when hitting fat shots is ball position. IF the ball is getting too far back in the stance you are forced to cast to get the club to bottom out at the ball...this puts too much timing on the hands and is more of a guess and check way to deliver the club to the ball. Check where the ball is and if anything try to play it a touch more forward than normal and see what happens.