Edel Grip Analyzer and Trainer


#TeamBlake '23 and #TeamJB '24 Quest Cup
Albatross 2024 Club
Apr 30, 2018
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
GHIN 3.6
This caught my eye...This simple tool shows you the correct positioning of the left and right hand on the golf club to match your unique biomechanics. This tool is used to gain accurate feedback for the correct grip position based on your natural body type, and allows you to train yourself to that ideal grip.

Works for irons and putters.

@EdelBlake anything to add? Is this more for fitters and teaching pros?


Also excellent video at

That is pretty cool. I would love to try that out and see those results.
I used this a year or so ago.
Definintely not geared towards just players, but can help just about anybody.

It confirmed things for me... :oops:
I’ve wanted to try one for a long time, it’s feedback is something I just think could really help understand my swing at impact a lot better.
Remind me @Wildcat about this and I can try to bring one for the Quest Cup!
Charlie Day Ok GIF
This is a intriguing piece. Makes sense on how it works.
Remind me @Wildcat about this and I can try to bring one for the Quest Cup!
Remind me @Wildcat for you to slip it in your bag and bring back to AZ after the Quest Cup 😂

That looks like a great training aid. I think my grip is inconsistent round to round.