BBQ, Mexican, Italian or Chinese?

I'm not playing your silly game. You can't make me pick!
bye BBQ
Man, the Italian “no’s” are shocking. It’s my favorite time in the kitchen. Even a soundtrack!

Maybe it’s just the wine 🤣

"Italian" pizza and American pizza are completely different things.
Italian pizza is fine for me to ditch. Give me Detroit, New York, Chicago, etc.
I’ll drop Chinese. I’m eating more Thai lately anyhow
Like Brewster's Million I vote "none of the above". I'm writing in vegan food.
For me, Chinese can kick rocks
Italian goes, no thought required. The other three are absolutely essential.
Easy choice. Chinese is history. The other three are definitely staples in my household.
Bye Italian..
Goodbye Chinese.
Easy - Mexican
Man, I think it's BBQ for me.
Chinese easily for me
Tough choice but Mexican.
I much prefer Thai over Chinese anyway, so bye bye Chinese.
For me, Chinese is gone.
yeah I like me some crab rangoons, but if I had to choose it would probably be Chinese as well, but BBQ would be my second choice if I kept Chinese.