1. Weezel

    Poll - What type of fitting(s) are you getting / did you already get in 2024?

    I'm a couple months late in asking this but I am getting a Driver fitting for the first time on March 9th and absolutely stoked about it! But what fittings are you committed to getting this year in 2024? Or if you've already done one, what fitting did you get so far this year? Take the poll...
  2. TJRyska

    The Foundry - Mizuno

    https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0EiaFEAMZgaSyY7SSMSPEPnm9mgC9K3wKaWfkGT3DZrxgYT6fky1dx9BwkYWTSiWYl&id=132737353453169&mibextid=qC1gEa Set to open in late ‘23, Mizuno plans to open a brand new R&D Testing center and Tour-Fit Studio called ‘The Foundry’ at The Standard Club!
  3. TJRyska

    Have you ever been fit for clubs?

    This may have been asked before but figured it wouldn’t hurt to have an updated poll. Have you been fit? I haven’t but would like to.
  4. lukemartin93

    Putter Fitting/Buying Questions

    Hey THP! So long story short, my wife and I just had our first baby and my wife wanted to buy me a putter to celebrate.Since I got into golf a couple years ago, I have been using an old Ping Blade (Ally 2 is the model I think) putter i was given from my wife’s grandpa. I have no idea if it...
  5. zoveracker

    Club fitter in Cleveland, Ohio

    Does anyone know a club fitter in Cleveland that carries Cobra clubs and would have availability on Sunday? I am flying in on Sunday for work and was hoping to be able to get fit for my upcoming Morgan Cup club order. Thanks a lot!
  6. GoldenBuff

    Full bag fitting — setting realistic expectations

    I have a Club Champion full bag fitting in one week. I will follow up here with my take on the experience and recommendations. And to start I am working on setting realistic expectations. As a 100% amateur hack golfer I have better and worse swing days, and from hitting many of the new options...
  7. OITW

    Fit ball to clubs or clubs to ball?

    What came first the chicken or the egg?
  8. Architect

    My recent club fitting experience

    I promised a write-up regarding my club fitting session a few weeks ago, so here it is! I brought my recent statistics along to share with the club fitter as he knew nothing about me, habits, or strengths/weaknesses. He looked over these as I warmed up. We discussed my issues with missing...
  9. Khaot1c

    Anyone ever use Cool Clubs fitting services?

    I was looking around for club fitting services and found one called Cool Clubs. http://www.coolclubs.com It seems they differ from other services in that they don't just fit you for one particular model of irons. They have data on several shafts and club head models from (what looks like) a...