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  1. N

    Finding a groove.

    Hey there pro, I've been working with a teacher for about 3 yrs. We've gone through grip, positions, movements, all the drills and such. I'm currently about a 5hdcp, and am generally very happy with my game. Like I said all my positions and movements are good, but my problems come when my...
  2. N

    Bettinardi Studio B Experience in Naples, FL

    Studio B Experience in Naples (Updated with pics later in the thread) The Set-up: I set up an appointment a week in advance. Got in the amazing early 90’s Buick Station Wagon ( see picture below). Drove from Sanibel Island to Naples, about 40 min drive. The resort is really nice, found the...
  3. N

    Interlocking vs Over-lapping?

    I'm thinking about a grip change as my ten-finger grip is causing some nasty-pulls lately, in the last two years I've gone from a 16 to an 8.5 currently. As my swing has gotten faster and more powerful the hooks have been more and more prevalent. I was curious about any thought on both, I wear...