Judging on the difference in weather conditions I would say u gained over 50+ yards in a few sessions alone. I would be over the moon for 10 yards !!! Keep us updated on your results after a full training pod.

* I should mention that im the complete OPPOSITE of your results right now.....I was at 102.5mph on the first session and now im cruising at 91mph with the 195g Stack. A solid 11.5 mph swing speed, which translates to about 15mph less ball speed......thats probably a minus 30 yards im experiencing.
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I'll keep you updated for sure. At the end of last season, my good drives were in the 255 range. Yesterday, my best drives were in the ~305 range. Part of me thinks that this is a fluke, since the only things I've done differently this offseason are (a) started lifting/exercising again; and (b) started Stack system 2 weeks ago.

I wish I could give you advice on why you are getting the opposite results - but I only have a rudimentary knowledge of Stack and speed training. My only guesses are overtraining or an unknown injury? You could email Sasho to get a better answer hopefully.

im absolutely overtraining. Im doing golf forever and doing some power lifting but then for some silly reason I started running long distance again and then add the Stack exercises and my golfing rounds and im exhausted. Im pretty sure once I get 2-3 days of rest, ill at least get back to 100mph on the stack if not faster.
Little bit of speed returning, but struggled with the 0g swings again. Feeling a bit looser tonight, tomorrow will be a coin flip between going to the range and doing yoga.
Full Speed Spectrum - 2nd go around.
So I got FSS again after the questionnaire. It was a slow restart for me, but glad to be back at it after just over a week off. Was a hard weekend of golfing, 4 rounds, 3 days. I'm still feeling a little tired and achy.
Was struggling with my driver at the weekend on some new courses, so I was sticking to 3W for the tighter fairways. Was still getting ~230-240yds on avg, so really pleased with that.
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Ok, I finally took a couple days off.....my Garmin says my recovery is poor and today it was poor as well 5/100 -20/100 was my range the last 3 days. Weather was nice but these results came out of nowhere. Maybe it was the proper amount of rest. Normally I finish my running and then my golf forever fundamentals and rotationals and then its stack time but today I had to run a errand after the GF workout and it allowed me about 30 mins of rest.

Speeds are picking back up. For some reason the stack feels extremely light....I checked a few times to make sure I had the correct weight on. Could not perform at the end.....was gassed. Garmin rated me a 1/100 for training readiness the last few days.

Had a solid workout monday, stack speed was up a couple mph. Today... my left hamstring is tight/sore and not fully functioning. Warmed up and did ok in the first few sets, but last two it went down hill. Not a terrible showing, but not the workout I was hoping for. Hopefully it rebounds and is good for my rounds this weekend.
So I have The Stack. Have for a long time actually. A somewhat broken back and life always got in the way of me using it. A friend has been and I finally used it recently to warm up one morning before playing.

Reactios -

So much shorter than Speed Sticks. Which I also don't use but have swung.

Seems pretty accurate on the eSpeed. Was right about where I figured.

I feel like I would definitely hurt my aching parts if I did it often unless I just wasn't playing at all during that time. I could feel it in all the weak points and my left wrist and right hand would be a mess. The heavy setup kind of scared me.

Still lame it's iOnly.
So I have The Stack. Have for a long time actually. A somewhat broken back and life always got in the way of me using it. A friend has been and I finally used it recently to warm up one morning before playing.

Reactios -

So much shorter than Speed Sticks. Which I also don't use but have swung.

Seems pretty accurate on the eSpeed. Was right about where I figured.

I feel like I would definitely hurt my aching parts if I did it often unless I just wasn't playing at all during that time. I could feel it in all the weak points and my left wrist and right hand would be a mess. The heavy setup kind of scared me.

Still lame it's iOnly.

I actually quit using the stack for about a year because I found it a bit too taxing on my body. Recently I started using Golfforever to build back up my body int arms of core strength and balance. In addition it has seemed to give me more stamina. I decided to start Stack again because my body was feeling much better. I do limit myself though in terms of max swing, im swinging as hard as I can with control....so my max swing is actually a full swing and the full swing is my golf course swing. In addition I take as much rest as I need. Sometimes I only need a day off, sometimes it's two days and sometimes it can be 3 days. take as long as u feel u need. some workout is better than no workout. Also adopt a program which increases strength and flexibility. Dont be so rigid with the rules until your body gets used to the regimen and demands a harder workload
I actually quit using the stack for about a year because I found it a bit too taxing on my body. Recently I started using Golfforever to build back up my body int arms of core strength and balance. In addition it has seemed to give me more stamina. I decided to start Stack again because my body was feeling much better. I do limit myself though in terms of max swing, im swinging as hard as I can with control....so my max swing is actually a full swing and the full swing is my golf course swing. In addition I take as much rest as I need. Sometimes I only need a day off, sometimes it's two days and sometimes it can be 3 days. take as long as u feel u need. some workout is better than no workout. Also adopt a program which increases strength and flexibility. Dont be so rigid with the rules until your body gets used to the regimen and demands a harder workload
I'm in the gym 5 days a week and am considered pretty fit. It's more abuse than anything. I can see it as a warmup stick for me though. It definitely fits in a bag better than a whip.
Not a bad session tonight. Was pretty gassed by the end but the work has been worth it.
Just catching up and posting yesterdays session. It was a good one, numbers heading back in the right direction. Had a couple of personal bests too. Played today and played lights out with some fantastic drives and some of my best putting ever. Shot 87 for net 70. with 28 putts. Top 5 drives 288/269/270/270/265. Irons are going further too, flew a couple of greens and had to make up and downs because of it! Really pleased with the progress
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Just about 3/4 through the program, and starting to see a bit more speed picking up. Felt good to swing hard at a few drivers after the session. Drives of 302, 304, 296 & 308 yesterday, hoping to keep some of this going!
ok....this is a bit of good news and bad news.....I am getting faster with the stack and my driver air swings but its getting further and further away from feeling like a golf swing and my finish is like Scheffler on a extremely bad day after 15 shots of tequila.

My thinking is that I'll pick up the raw speed first and then clean it up later.


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Just about 3/4 through the program, and starting to see a bit more speed picking up. Felt good to swing hard at a few drivers after the session. Drives of 302, 304, 296 & 308 yesterday, hoping to keep some of this going!
Seems like your speed / contact is transferring better to the course than mine is, really glad to see your results are coming in on the course for you (y). I'm longer but not as long as the number suggest. I think I'm going to speak to my instructor and see if we can work on driver again (I was doing approach /150ish yd stuff as that's what Arcoss says is killing me every time)

I'm wondering if I should switch out program now and go to Heavy Hitter as I feel this part is probably more geared for my needs "The Heavy Hitter is ideal for golfers wanting increased control of their driver’s movement." I presume that means it will just show the current program as unfinished or something.

Another session done, a couple of PBs, overall feels weren't there, especially with 195g, but I did manage to find the difference been full and max for once. Really swung out my shoes and was getting Scheffler esque left foot rotation on the 135g.

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Seems like your speed / contact is transferring better to the course than mine is, really glad to see your results are coming in on the course for you (y). I'm longer but not as long as the number suggest. I think I'm going to speak to my instructor and see if we can work on driver again (I was doing approach /150ish yd stuff as that's what Arcoss says is killing me every time)
It does and it doesn’t, I think I just need to go out and swing confidently and athletically and let the results happen. When I get it in my head that this is a dogleg left and I need to draw it and blah blah blah, I put half hearted swing on the ball and send a weak little spinny knuckler out there. If I worry less about mechanics, and more about picking a target, and stepping into the ball confidently, the results kind of fall into place. Have you tried a little pre-shot routine with the Stack at all?
Took a couple of weeks off. Did a return to form workout today.
I Have you tried a little pre-shot routine with the Stack at all?
No I haven't. One of my actual issues is lack of pre-shot routine on course a lot of the time too. I will try and be more disciplined both on and off course and see how that works out. Thank you.
Session 4 of FSS Round 2 done. Still a little slow but still going. I've been liking to do it in the middle of the window but planning my week out means I need to get the next session done on Friday before I play 1.5 rounds on the weekend which should keep my grit score up.

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Couple new PB’s tonight on the 45g swings, but felt like I ran out of gas by the end. Pretty excited to play on Friday.
Set a couple of personal bests today.
Had a couple of PBs but overall not the best. Hot and tired today. Needed to get it done as I'm playing Sat and Sun, both "fun" rounds. Scramble and then family golf. Just looking forward to hitting a ball as always now.
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A bunch of PBs today, and really consistent on the 160g swings. Felt pretty tired by the end but under much less tension than previous sessions.
Made some progress today everywhere except for the 195g weight.
Bit of consistency forming from the last few sessions. Hit a couple really nice drives tonight.