After two years I broke 100 twice in one month!


New member
Jun 12, 2022
Reaction score
I am so excited. I have spent a fortune on lessons, new clubs, nice looking clothes for golf, hats, etc and my game is, well, terrible. I am a short hitter, and tend to push every shot. I don’t really ever slice, or hook, but I don’t really hit very straight either. Today was a day like any other, with no real expectations other than to try to have fun. Then, by the turn, I started adding and was at 47. This gave me a new focus I don’t really ever feel to see if it was possible for me to break 100. By 17, I knew I was in the running if I just played sensible golf, took no risks and stayed on my game. My golf buddy, was as happy about it as I was.

What a great day and what a great/insanely frustrating game. Thanks for reading, if you made it this far.

Hit em straight!
Love to see it!! Congrats!
Congrats, that's awesome. 90 will fall before you know it!
Well done!
Congratulations, what a great feeling it is!
That’s great! Congrats and

Congrats! Now you just gotta keep doing it more often!
Gonna have to change your username if you keep getting better!!!
Outstanding! Getting better is infectious. Enjoy the success and progress.
That’s fantastic! Congratulations!
Congratulations!! That’s awesome!
Congrats, keep on grinding and it will only get better.
Way to go!
Congratulations! Now that things have started to click and you're past this first hurdle, you'll no doubt start creeping further down into the mid, then lower, 90s...great fun!
Way to go!
Congratulations, As the late Jimmy Buffett had said Someday I Will :(