Recent content by skeeterman

  1. skeeterman

    PGA ratings grab?

    This is why they gave Tiger an exemption.
  2. skeeterman

    PGA ratings grab?

    This is why they Tiger a exemption.🤦‍♂️
  3. skeeterman

    ANNOUNCEMENT Congrats: You are Part of the 2024 TEEm Tour Edge

    Congratulations guys! Looks like a fun one. Can’t wait to follow the journey.
  4. skeeterman

    SuperSpeed Golf Training and Testing thread

    Absolutely. The unexpected gain was that my dispersion also improved!
  5. skeeterman

    Golf shorts: How short is too short?

    I think it depends of the fit. I’m 6’3” 220 and walk 18 most weekdays. To me there’s nothing worse than feeling the hem of your shorts rubbing against the top of your knees on every step!
  6. skeeterman

    ANNOUNCEMENT Signup Now – 2024 TEEm Tour Edge – Be An Equipment Tester

    Currently a 9. Yes right handed. Of course like everyone else I would take pictures and be active in the thread. I was fortunate to get selected for the super speed sticks a little over a year ago and try to answer questions and stay current and somewhat active in that thread still today. I...
  7. skeeterman

    CONTEST Win a Bridgestone Georgia Spring Break Capsule

    I’ll go with lunchbox as my favorite.
  8. skeeterman

    Which Masters Champion Would You Choose?

    Hogan then Arnie then Jack
  9. skeeterman

    SuperSpeed Golf Training and Testing thread

    In fairness I jacked it someone else so feel free! :D In reply to NEChas I did see a double-digit yardage gain. Also, my dispersion improved greatly and I can't emphasize enough how much doing the dynamic exercises every day will help with your overall flexibility.
  10. skeeterman

    SuperSpeed Golf Training and Testing thread

    Man, I need to start again also. Laziness seems to have gotten in the way. :(
  11. skeeterman

    SuperSpeed Golf Training and Testing thread

    I was fortunate enough to chosen for testing last year at 65. I received the men’s set. I saw big gains with no health issues. I am also an in the the gym 4-5 days a week. I need to restart the training. I got lazy over the winter and stopped. I recommend doing the dynamic warm up even on non...
  12. skeeterman

    Alphard Golf club booster v2

    I’ve. Used mine for 4 rounds now. Love it! Have a sidekick on order but really like the control I have with the remote.
  13. skeeterman

    What somewhat common/popular foods item repulses you?

    Cabbage, definitely cabbage. Even the smell makes me queasy.
  14. skeeterman

    How many club boxes do you have at your home?

    Almost 10,including the one from yesterday.🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  15. skeeterman

    Official Equipment Pondering Thread

    I just bought a staff bag from the Ben Hogan site for $199. Thought it was a good bargain.