Recent content by cjroman

  1. cjroman

    Fit or Fitted - A poll

    But Pitted is...
  2. cjroman

    Shaft weight

    I had an iron fitting last fall and the difference from the 95 gram stock shafts I was playing vs. the 110 gram fit was incredible. 5-7 yards insistence and 10 yards better in dispersion. I agree most stock shafts are entirely too light.
  3. cjroman

    League Play - How Are You Doing?

    If I have a decent warm-up and play 4-5 practice holes anywhere even to -2, I usually play like hot garbage in league team did win the first week at -3, since then the best me and the team can muster is -1. It's a 9 hole random team scramble league.
  4. cjroman

    Are there any signs?

    For league lately my pattern has been to have a solid warmup, play 4-5 practice holes anywhere from even to -2, then proceed to play like lukewarm garbage in the round...
  5. cjroman

    Oban Devotion HB Series Shaft

    I wanted to try something different in my TSR2 5w than the "stock" HZRDUS Black. I found a used Oban Devotion HB with adapter from Second Swing for $59. It pretty much eliminated the block that I would sometimes hit with the PX and added a couple of's a keeper. Seems like Oban is a...
  6. cjroman

    What golf stuff did you buy today?

    Bought a Scotty Cameron Phantom 5. First Scotty I've ever owned.
  7. cjroman

    Toe Hang vs. Face Balance - Can YOU tell a difference

    I am a SBST putter and I always feel like I'm fighting anything toe hang on the takeaway.
  8. cjroman

    What Is The Bigger Golf Red Flag?

    Depends...if the blades are browned out, I'm thinking things differently.
  9. cjroman

    Pet Peeves…???

    Lately it's been people who come and crap in threads with judgemental comments unrelated to the subject or original question(s), and then get all offended when called out on it...
  10. cjroman

    Driver fitting with unexpected results

    It appeared to me your comment took some rather large assumptions with what I did or didn't do. You appeared to know you were stirring the pot with your preface of "I'm sure I'll get flamed for this". If not meant as personal or directed at me, then why point out the particulars of the scenario...
  11. cjroman

    Driver fitting with unexpected results

    Isn't the result of every fitting taking home (or ordering) what worked best that day? For the record, "Everything in stock" wasn't hit. I went in with a narrowed list of preferences. I focused on those brands/models that day from previous experience and hitting other offerings from other OEM at...
  12. cjroman

    Driver fitting with unexpected results

    No particular reason. I have played both Cobra and Titleist drivers over the last 10 years and have always found something to work. I hit Ping and Mizuno last month with nothing standing out.
  13. cjroman

    Will Tiger win again?

    I don't see him winning again on the PGAT. I also never thought the Champions tour would be his thing...
  14. cjroman

    Driver fitting with unexpected results

    I told him I've had good results in the past with Cobra drivers and wanted to try it. I really respected the fact he didn't push anything. I was leaning towards the TSR2 for a moment and he pointed out the LTDx was overall better, with not only my two longest of the session, but with launch and...
  15. cjroman

    Driver fitting with unexpected results

    First time for anything counterbalanced.