How much does changing grips actually effect your ball numbers?

PM me a picture of what the grip looks like so I can find the specs on it and see if there different weights. I know the midsize new decade is 59 grams.

I did you one better and looked it up. It's 53 grams.
I did you one better and looked it up. It's 53 grams.

Nice. So your midsize grip is wrapped up to almost a jumbo though, right? It might be tough to compare since your grip is jumbo and that one is probably standard size.
Nice. So your midsize grip is wrapped up to almost a jumbo though, right? It might be tough to compare since your grip is jumbo and that one is probably standard size.

The one on the demo is definitely standard. Even though my grip is built up to jumbo the grip itself still weighs the same. Which still accomplishes what you want to know right?
I just regripped my 3 hybrid. I can tell you my numbers with that club
The one on the demo is definitely standard. Even though my grip is built up to jumbo the grip itself still weighs the same. Which still accomplishes what you want to know right?

Ya, see what you come up with.

I just regripped my 3 hybrid. I can tell you my numbers with that club

Yes, please share. What grip was on it then what grip did you put on it?
Anyone else have access to be able to try something like this out?
Anyone else have access to be able to try something like this out?

Bridges, here is what I can tell you. My current driver has a Winn PCI TL with three wraps of tape and I`ve been hitting it that way for about 2 months now with a ton of range time and rounds. I know my ball flight and distances to a tee. Tonight I am putting a Winn Lite Midsize on the club and see how I like it, and then after my range session on thursday I will post as to any thoughts about a change in anything. It won`t be launch monitor numbers but I have been playing this driver for a while and if anything is different I will know.
I re-gripped all my clubs 2 years ago with a super thick chamois grip. It was so comfortable, I was able to truly grip it and rip it without feeling discomfort on my palms. Because the comfort factor was so vastly different, I saw a greater distance off the tee but nothing else changed. Now that I upgraded to some R7 Draws, I am going to re-grip them as well and see if the same holds true. I'll let you know the results when I know them.